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Acetic Acid
is a most efficient remedy applied to old irritable _varicose ulcers_ on the limbs of females who have suffered from _Phlegmasia Dolens_, (milk leg.) It may be applied as a wash to the part once or twice a day at the strength of 1-20th of the aci...
Acetic Acid
Brown recommends diluted _Acetic Acid_ as a specific against all forms of scarlatina. Experience, however, has not supported his confidence in the infallibility of his remedy. ...
Is applicable to inflamed eyes, in the early stage, where the disease is in the conjunctiva, (that portion which lines the lids and covers the front of the ball), especially if there is a sense of scratching, as though some foreign substance is in t...
Acquiring Skill
Endoscopic ability cannot be bought with the instruments. As with all mechanical procedures, facility can be obtained only by educating the eye and the fingers in repeated exercise of a particular series of maneuvers. As with learning to play a musi...
Actinomycosis Of The Esophagus
Esophageal actinomycosis has been autoptically discovered. Its diagnosis, and differentiation from tuberculosis, would probably rest upon the microscopic study of tissue removed esophagoscopically, though as yet no such case has been reported. ...
Action Of The Pack And Bath Rationale
The action of the wet-sheet pack is thus easily accounted for: According to a well-known physical law, any cold body, whether dead or alive, placed in close contact with a warm body, will abstract from the latter as much heat as necessary to equal...
Action Of The Sitz-bath Explained
The _sitz-bath_ acts in a direct manner upon the abdominal organs and the spine, and through the latter on the brain. Indirectly, it helps in removing the inflammatory and congestive symptoms in the throat and head, by cooling the blood, which circu...
Acute Cardiac Symptoms Acute Heart Attack
It is not proposed here to describe the condition of sudden cardiac failure, or acute dilatation during disease, or after a severe heart strain, but to describe the terrible cardiac agony which occurs, sometimes repeatedly, with many patients who ...
Acute Diarrhea
Take B D current. Place N. P., long cord, upon the lumbar vertebrae and sacrum, moving it often along the spine, from a position opposite to the umbilicus down to the coccyx; and treat with P. P. over the abdomen, and more especially wherever pain o...
Acute Dilatation Of The Heart In Acute Disease
It has for a long time been recognized that in all acute prolonged illness the heart fails, sooner or later, often without its having been attacked by the disease. The prolonged high temperature causes the heart to beat more rapidly, while the toxin...
Acute Dilatation Of The Stomach
This condition is not well understood, nor is its frequence known, but not a few instances of shock are due to dilatation of this organ. The shock to the heart may be a reflex one through the pneumogastric nerves. It perhaps not infrequently occu...
Acute Esophagitis
This is usually of traumatic or cauterant origin. If severe or extensive, all the symptoms described under Rupture of the Esophagus may be present. The endoscopic appearances are unmistakable to anyone familiar with the appearance of mucosal inflamm...
Acute Mild Endocarditis
This inflammation of the endocardium is generally confined to the region of the valves, and the valves most frequently so inflamed are the mitral and aortic. There may be a slight inflammation or actual ulceration and loss of tissue. Vegetations mor...
Acute Myocarditis
Probably most acute infections cause more or less myocarditis, depending on their intensity and their prolongation. This disturbance of the heart is often unrecognized, and has been simply referred to as "the heart growing weaker from the fever proc...
Acute Pericarditis
As this inflammation is generally secondary to some other condition, its treatment cannot be positively outlined. Furthermore, it is often a terminal condition, and in such instances the results of treatment are of necessity nil. The most frequent...
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