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All Medicine History Page 4
Science At The Medieval Universities
With the growth of interest in science and in nature study in our own day, one of the expressions that is probably oftenest heard is surprise that the men of preceding generations and especially university men did not occupy themselves more with t...
St Luke The Physician
In the midst of what has been called the higher criticism of the Bible in recent times, one of the long accepted traditions that has been most strenuously assailed and, indeed, in the minds of many scholars, seemed, for a time at least, quite disc...
The First And Second Centuries Of The Christian Era
Athenaeus--Pneumatism--Eclectics--Agathinus--Aretaeus--Archigenes-- Dioscorides--Cassius Felix--Pestilence in Rome--Ancient surgical instruments--Herodotus--Heliodorus--Caelius Aurelianus--Soranus-- Rufus of Ephesus--Marinus--Qui...
The Later Roman And Byzantine Period
Beginning of Decline--Neoplatonism--Antyllus--Oribasius--Magnus-- Jacobus Psychristus--Adamantius--Meletius--Nemesius--AEtius-- Alexander of Tralles--The Plague--Moschion--Paulus AEgineta--Decline of Healing Art. The death o...
The Medical School At Salerno
The Medical School at Salerno, probably organized early in the tenth century, often spoken of as the darkest of the centuries, and reaching its highest point of influence at the end of the twelfth century, is of great interest in modern times for ...
The North Italian Surgeons
After Roger and Rolando and the Four Masters, who owe the inspiration for their work to Salerno and the south of Italy, comes a group of north Italian surgeons: Bruno da Longoburgo, usually called simply Bruno; Theodoric and his father, Hugo of Lucc...
This son, after having completed his medical studies at the age of about twenty-three, entered the Dominican Order, then only recently established, but continued his practice of medicine undisturbed. His ecclesiastical preferment was rapid. He attra...
William Of Salicet
The third of the great surgeons in northern Italy was William of Salicet. He was a pupil of Bruno's and the master of Lanfranc. The first part of his life was passed at Bologna and the latter part as the municipal and hospital physician of Verona. H...
One of the maxims of the old Greek philosophers was that good is diffusive of itself. As the scholastics put it, bonum est diffusivum sui. This proved to be eminently true of the old universities also, and especially of their training in medicine an...
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Hugh Of Lucca
Bruno Da Longoburgo
Moorish Physicians
Ali Abbas
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The North Italian Surgeons
The Medical School At Salerno
The Later Roman And Byzantine Period
Gymnasia And Baths
Medieval Women Physicians
The First And Second Centuries Of The Christian Era
Cusanus And The First Suggestion Of Laboratory Methods In Medicine
Medieval Popularization Of Science