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ALCOHOLISM. Acute Symptoms
The face is flushed, the breath has the odor of liquor, the pulse is full and bounding with deep respiration. Reason, memory, judgment and will are first stimulated and then blunted. The drinker's peculiarities are exaggerated, the person becoming affec...
BOW LEGS. (Genu Varum)
This is the opposite of knock knees, and the deformity usually affects both limbs, the knees being widely separated. The disease begins in early childhood; the cause is rickets, and the deformity is the direct result of the weight of the body and muscul...
This results from protracted or periodic "sprees." Symptoms. The face is red, the capillaries are dilated, eyes are watery, conjunctiva is congested. There is chronic inflammation of the stomach, which is characterized by morning vomiting; there is of...
The bones that form the hard palate do not unite in the median line and a longitudinal opening is left in the roof of the mouth. This is called Cleft Palate. Symptoms. Of course, upon examination this split is seen. It may involve not only the hard p...
CLUB FOOT (Talipes)
Varieties: 1. The heel may be drawn up and the foot extended (Talipes Equinus). 2. The foot may be flexed, bent up, (Talipes Calcaneus). 3. The foot may be drawn inward, adducted, (Talipes Varus). 4. The foot may be drawn outward, abducted, (Ta...
There are many varieties. The treatment should be begun, under the instructions of a physician, and continued from infancy and many a good foot can be obtained. KNOCK KNEE. (Genu Valgum). This is due to an overgrowth of the internal knuckle (cond...
This is a brain manifestation of chronic alcoholism occurring in steady drinkers after excessive drinking or sudden withdrawal of alcohol, or after sudden excitement or accident, pneumonia or other illness, or lack of food. Symptoms. There are restle...
This is due to the fact that the flesh or bony parts do not quite properly unite. It may form a single or double hare-lip, or complicated, or it may involve the soft parts, or the hard (bony) and soft parts at the same time. It is always to one or the o...