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Direct Laryngoscopy
Contraindications To Direct Laryngoscopy
There are no absolute contraindications to direct laryngoscopy in any case where direct laryngoscopy is really needed for diagnosis or treatment. In extremely dyspneic patients, if the operator is not confident in his ability for a prompt and sure ...
Difficulties Of Direct Laryngoscopy
The larynx can be directly exposed in any patient whose mouth can be opened, although the ease varies greatly with the type of patient. Failure to expose the epiglottis is usually due to too great haste to enter the speculum all the way down. The s...
Direct Laryngoscopy Adult Patient
Before starting, every detail in regard to instrumental equipment and operating room assistants, (including an assistant to hold the arms and legs of the patient) must be complete. Preparation of the patient and the technic of local anesthesia have...
Direct Laryngoscopy In Children
The epiglottis in children is usually strongly curled, often omega shaped, and is very elusive and slippery. The larynx of a child is very freely movable in the neck during respiration and deglutition, and has a strong tendency to retreat downward ...
First Stage
The spatular end of the laryngoscope is introduced in the right side of the patient's mouth, along the right side of the anterior two-thirds of the tongue. It was the German method to introduce the laryngoscope over the dorsum of the tongue but in o...
Instructions To The Patient
Before beginning endoscopy the patient should be told that he will feel a very disagreeable pressure on his neck and that he may feel as though he were about to choke. He must be gently but positively made to understand (1) that while the procedure...
Instruments For Direct Laryngoscopy
In undertaking direct laryngoscopy one must always be prepared for bronchoscopy, esophagoscopy, and tracheotomy, as well. Preparations for bronchoscopy are necessary because the pathological condition may not be found in the larynx, and further sea...
Position For Bronchoscopy And Esophagoscopy
The dorsally recumbent patient is so placed that the head and shoulders extend beyond the table, the edge of which supports the thorax at about the level of the scapulae. During introduction, the head must be maintained in the same relative positio...
Rules For Direct Laryngoscopy
1. The laryngoscope must always be held in the left hand, never in the right. 2. The operator's right index finger (never the left) should be used to retract the patient's upper lip so that there is no danger of pinching the lip between the instr...
Second Stage
The spatular end of the laryngoscope should now be tipped back toward the posterior wall of the pharynx, passed posterior to the epiglottis, and advanced about 1 cm. The larynx is now exposed by a motion that is best described as a suspension of the...