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Diseases Of The Blood And Ductle
ADDISON'S DISEASE. Diseases of the Suprarenal (above Kidneys) Bodies
A constitutional disease characterized by great weakness, stomach and bowel symptoms, heart weakness, and dark coloring of the skin. Causes. It usually occurs in men from twenty to forty years old. The skin and mucous membrane and sometimes the serou...
Anaemia, or Anemia
This may be defined as a reduction of the amount of blood as a whole or of its corpuscles, or of certain of its more important constituents, such as albumin and haemoglobin. Primary or essential anemia includes chlorosis and pernicious anemia; secondary...
1. Rupture of the spleenThis may occur spontaneously from no apparent cause, or from hurts received in cases of typhoid or malaria. Symptoms. Severe pain, and signs of intestinal hemorrhages. 2. Acute inflammation of the spleen (splenitis). This o...
Inflammation of the thyroid gland, (Thyroiditis),--Acute inflammation of the gland, simple or suppurative. It may develop in a patient with goitre, or acute infectious diseases, or from other parts, or from wounds. The gland is enlarged and soft and may...
EXOPHTHALMIC GOITRE. (Parry's, Graves or Basedows Disease)
It is characterized by exophthalmos (bulging of the eyes), Goitre, fast beating of the heart, trembling and nervousness. Causes. It is most common in women from twenty to thirty. Several cases may occur in the same family. The exact cause is unknown....
FALSE LEUKAEMIA. (Pseudo-Leukaemia)
Also called Hodgkin's disease, malignant lymphoma, and general lymphadenoma. This is a progressive anemia and enlargement of the lymph glands and the skin, with secondary lymphoid growth in the liver, spleen and other organs. Causes. Males are more a...
No satisfactory explanation can be given for this disease. It seems to be more prevalent where lime-stone water is used. Heredity plays a part. This is an enlargement of the thyroid gland. Chronic enlargement of the thyroid is sporadic. Cases are scatte...
GOITRE, MOTHERS' REMEDIES,--1. Three Ingredient Remedy for
"The following treatment is excellent, but must be continued for several months: Extract of Belladonna 1/2 dram Compound Ointment Iodine 1/2 dram Vaselin 1/2 ounce Apply this to the affected parts several time...
"Bleeders."--This is a hereditary disorder characterized by a tendency to persistent bleeding, spontaneously or even after a slight injury. Causes. Usually hereditary through many generations. It is transmitted through daughters, themselves usually ...
An affection characterized by persistent increase in the white blood corpuscles, associated with changes, either alone or together, in the spleen, lymphatic glands and bone-marrow. 1. Spleen and Bone-Marrow, (Spleen-Medullary) type. The changes are e...
This is a constitutional disease due to atrophy (wasting away) of the thyroid gland and characterized by swollen condition of the tissue under the skin, wasting of the thyroid and mental failures. Three forms exist, myxoedema proper, cretinism and opera...
This is characterized by great decrease of the red cells of the blood with a relatively high color index and the presence of large number of germs. The causes are unknown. Condition. The body is not emaciated. A lemon color of the skin is usually pre...
This is not strictly a disease, but a symptom. This includes a group of affections characterized by hemorrhages into the skin. Symptoms. There are hemorrhages into the skin, and this takes the form of small blood spots underneath the skin, (petechia) ...
This is a severe form, usually seen in delicate girls. The cause is unknown. Symptoms. Weakness, extensive purpuric spots (small blood spots in the skin), eruption, hemorrhages from the mucous membranes which may cause secondary anemia, slight fever,...
SCURVY. (Scorbutus)
A constitutional disease characterized by weakness, anemia, sponginess of the gums and tendencies to bleeding. Causes. This disease has been called "The calamity of sailors." It has been known from the earliest times, and has prevailed particularly in...
Hemorrhage form (bleeding). (a) Rapid bleeding from the rupture of an aneurism, from a blow, or eating into the blood vessels by an ulcer. (b) Slow bleeding as from nose-bleed, flow from the womb, piles or in "bleeders" people who bleed readily. 2. I...