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Diseases Of The Skin
(Pediculus Pubis)
Lice on the hair of the pubis or about the genitals. This is the smallest parasite of the three varieties, and it attaches itself firmly to the hair with its head buried in the follicular openings, and it is removed with great difficulty. PHYSICIANS'...
An accumulation of pus (matter) in any part of the body. External Abscess. Boil the knife, wash your hands in clean, hot, soapy water. Wash the abscess and surrounding parts in hot water and good soap, and rinse off with alcohol, a salt solution, or l...
ACNE. (Simple Acne)
This is an inflammation of the sebaceous (fatty, cheesy) glands. It forms these pimples or pustules and these are intermingled with black-heads (comedones), flesh-worms. They vary from a pin-head to a split-pea in size, and are of a bright or dark red c...
ANIDROSIS. (Lessened Sweat Secretion)
This means a diminution of the sweat secretion. The patient does not sweat enough, especially in certain skin diseases like psoriasis, etc. Treatment. Hot water, vapor baths, friction, massage, etc., should be used to increase the sweat secretion. Tr...
BALD PATCHES. (Alopecia Areata)
These appear rather suddenly. They are circular bald patches which may appear on any hairy part of the body, but more frequently on the scalp. It is considered a chronic trouble, but tends to final recovery. Cause. Occurs usually between the ages...
BALDNESS. (Alopecia). Causes
Hereditary and diseases. Congenital and senile (old age) baldness is incurable. Congenital (born without hair) baldness is rare. MOTHERS' REMEDIES. 1. Baldness, Well Recommended for. "A first class hair restorative is made of sage tea and whisky in e...
BARBER'S ITCH (Ringworm of the Beard)
Mother's Remedies. 1. Standard Remedy for. "Plain vaselin two ounces, venice turpentine one-half ounce, red precipitate one-half ounce. Apply locally. Great care should be taken not to expose affected parts to cold and draughts while ointment is in use...
BLACK-HEADS. Flesh Worms, Comedones, Pimples, etc
This is a disorder of the sebaceous glands in which the sebaceous (fatty, cheesy) secretions become thickened; the excreting ducts, appearing on the surface, as yellowish or blackish points. They appear chiefly on the face, neck, chest, and back and ar...
This is a watery elevation of the outer skin. It is caused by rubbing, for instance of a shoe, friction from anything, or from burns. It frequently appears on the hands after working for some time at manual labor, when the hands are not accustomed to wo...
This is an acute or chronic skin disease in which there are blisters of various sizes and shapes, and these usually occur in crops. Symptoms. The disease may attack any part of the body. The blisters range from the size of a pea to a large egg. They ...
Body Louse or Clothes Louse (Pediculus Corporis)
This parasite lives in the clothes. It is apt to be found in the folds or seams, especially where the clothes come in close contact with the skin, as about the neck, shoulders and waist. This creature visits the body for its meal. They may produce diff...
BOIL. (Furunculus, Furuncle). Causes
Boils may appear in a healthy person, but they are often the result of a low condition of the system; they are frequently seen in persons suffering from sugar diabetes. MOTHERS' REMEDIES. 1. Boil, My Mother's Poultice for. "Poppy leaves pounded up an...
This is a lump over a joint usually of the big toe, usually due to pressure and a wrong position of the surfaces of the joint. MOTHERS' REMEDIES. 1. Bunions, Remedy from Your Flower Garden. "Peel the outside skin from the leaf of 'Live Forever' and ap...
CALLOSITY or Callositas
This is circumscribed yellowish-white, thickened and horny patches of one of the layers of the cuticle (epidermis). Causes--They come as the result of the occupation or pressure, and sometimes without any seeming cause. Symptoms. They occur mostly...
CANKER SORE MOUTH. (Aphthous Stomatitis
This is a variety of inflammation of the mouth where there are one or more vesicles (cankers) upon the edges of the tongue, the cheek or the lips. Causes. They are most common in children between two and six years of age; but are not rare in adults. ...
CARBUNCLE. (Anthrax)
A carbuncle is an acute circumscribed inflammation of the skin and tissues beneath, of the size of an egg, orange, or larger. It is a hard mass and ends in local death of some of the tissue and formation of pus, which empties upon the surface through se...
CHILBLAINS. (Erythema Pernio)
This occurs usually in people with a feeble circulation or scrofulous constitution, usually seen in the young or very old. The redness shows most, as a rule, on the hands and feet. The redness may be either a light or dusky shade. It itches and burns e...
CORNS. (Calvus)
A small, flat, deep-seated, horny growth, mostly on or between the toes. Cause. Usually the result of too tight or too loose shoes. Due to pressure and rubbing. MOTHERS' REMEDIES. Corns, one of the Surest Remedies. "Take salicylic acid, make a thi...
DANDRUFF (Seborrhoea)
The scurfs or scales (dandruff) upon the scalp are formed from seborrhoea. Definition. The word seborrboea means to flow suet or fatty fluids. Seborrhoea is a functional disorder of the sebaceous gland (fatty, suet matter) and this secretion is somew...
Eczema Papulosum. (Papular Variety)
This is characterized by flat or sharp pointed reddish pimples (papules), varying in size from a small to a large pin-head. They are usually numerous, run or crowd together and form large patches. The itching is usually very intense. This causes much s...
Eczema Pustulosum. (Pustules). Pustular Kind
This is nearly like the preceding. The vesicles have pus in them from the start or develop from the vesicles. When the pustules rupture, their contents dry up to the thick greenish-yellow crusts. The scalp and face, in children especially, are the favo...
Eczema Rubrum (red)
The skin looks red, raw, and "weeps." It is most commonly found about the face and scalp in children, and the lower parts of the legs in the old. ...
Eczema Squamosis. (Scaling)
This may follow any of the other varieties, but usually follows the red and pimple (papule) variety. They are various sized and shaped reddish patches, which are dry and more or less scaly. Thickening is always present, also a tendency to cracking of th...
Eczema Vesiculosum. (Vesicular Eczema)
This is preceded by a feeling of heat and irritation about the part. In a short time pinhead sized vesicles appear. These frequently run together and form patches. They rupture rapidly; the liquid is poured out, dries up and forms crusts. The discharge...
ECZEMA. (Humid Tetter-Salt Rheum-Dry Tetter). Definition
Eczema is an inflammatory disease of the skin, characterized at its commencement by redness, pimples, vesicles, pustules and their combinations, with itching and burning. It terminates in a watery or pus-like discharge with the formation of crusts or s...
ENLARGED NAIL. (Onychauxis)
The nail may become too long, thick or wide. Treatment. Remove the cause. Trim away the excessive nail tissue with a knife or scissors. In paronychia, inflammation around the nail, pieces of lint or cotton should be inserted between the edge of the nail...
This is a disorder of the sweat glands in which sweat is thrown out in excessive quantities. Symptoms. It may be great only in the armpit where it stains the clothing. When it comes on the hands and feet they may be wet, clammy and have an offensive ...
FELON. (Whitlow)
An inflammation of the deeper structures and frequently it is under the covering of the bone, (periosteum). If under the latter it must be opened soon or the resulting pus will burrow and destroy bone, joints, etc. The pain is intense, and after the pat...
FOUL SWEATING. (Bromidrosis). Symptoms
The odor may be very disagreeable, or resemble the odor of certain flavors or fruits. It is generally found in the arm-pit and genital organs. MOTHERS' REMEDIES. 1. Offensive Sweating, Alum Water for. "A wash made with a teaspoonful of alum and a qua...
FRECKLES. (Lentigo)
Freckles are an excessive deposit of pigment in the skin. Causes. Exposure to the sun's rays aggravates this condition. MOTHERS' REMEDIES for Freckles. 1. Freckles, Buttermilk for. "Buttermilk on the face every night." This is a very simple remedy,...
Keep the patient in a cold atmosphere, or put into a cold bath and the frozen part rubbed with snow or ice until sensation is felt and color returns; then discontinue the rubbing and apply ice water compresses. Stimulants such as brandy, coffee and hot ...
This is the death of a part of the body in mass. There are two forms, moist and dry. Dry Gangrene. This is a combination produced by a loss of water from the tissues. The skin becomes dark and wrinkled and is often hard, like leather. Senile or old a...
HIVES, Nettle Rash (Urticaria). Causes
Foods such as shell fish, strawberries, cheese, pickles, pork and sausages. Medicines that may cause it. Quinine, copaiba, salicylic acid, etc. Disorders of the stomach and bowels. Insects, like mosquito, bedbug, etc. MOTHERS' REMEDIES. 1. Hives or...
INFLAMMATION OF THE NAIL. (Onychia). Treatment
Cut into the back part if it needs it. That will relieve the tension and pain. Sometimes the nail must be removed. The inflammation is at the base (matrix) of the nail. LOUSE, Disease of the Skin Produced by. This is a disease of the skin produced by...
ITCH. Common Itch (Scabies)
Itch is a contagious disease, due to the presence of an animal parasite. There is intense itching in this disease. The parasite seeks the thin, tender regions of the skin, the spaces between the fingers, wrists and forearms, the folds in the arm-pit, th...
The parts usually affected are the hands, face, the genitals, the arms, the thighs and neck. Symptoms. These usually appear soon. Red patches, with scanty or profuse watery pimples, with a watery discharge after bursting. There is swelling, intense b...
LIVER SPOTS, Moth Patch, Chloasma, etc
This is a discoloration of the skin of a yellowish to a blackish tint of varying size and shape. Causes. It may be due to external agencies, such as rubbing, scratching, heat (tanning and sunburn) blistering; or due to diseases such as tuberculosis, ...
Moist Gangrene. Causes
Wounds, fractures, injuries, pressure from lying in bed and frost bite. PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT for Moist Gangrene. Remove the cause if possible. This kind is more dangerous, and a physician should be called as the best treatment that can be given is n...
MOLE. (Naevus)
Mole is a congenital condition of the skin where there is too much pigment in a circumscribed place. It varies in size from a pin-head to a pea or larger. The face, neck and back are their usual abiding place. PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT for Moles. They sh...
Oily seborrhoea
Symptoms. This appears most frequently upon the nose and forehead and sometimes upon the scalp. The skin looks oily, glistening, with the appearance of dust adhering to it. Small drops of oil are seen to ooze out of the follicles and when wiped off it r...
1. Subnitrate of Bismuth 3 drams Oleate of Zinc 3 drams Lycopodium 2 drams Mix. Apply to the parts three times daily. 2. Powdered camphor mixed with vaselin is healing. 3. Ointment of water of roses (cold ...
An acute inflammatory disease of the sweat glands; minute pimples and vesicles develop. Symptoms. It occurs upon the body and consists of many pinhead sized bright red pimples and vesicles which are very close together. It appears suddenly, and is us...
RINGWORM (Tinea Trichophytina)
Ringworm is a contagious disease of the skin, produced by the presence of a vegetable parasite. The disease affects the hair follicles of the scalp and the beard, and also of the portions of the body that, seemingly at least, have no hair. Varieties....
SHINGLES (Herpes Zoster). Definition
This is an acute inflammatory disease of the skin, characterized by groups of vesicles upon the inflamed base, distributed along the course of one or more cutaneous (skin) nerves. Symptoms. The eruption is preceded by a great deal of neuralgic pain an...
When severe, sunburn may present the symptoms of inflammation of the skin. Then there will be redness, swelling and pain followed by deep discoloration of the skin. MOTHERS' REMEDIES for Sunburn. 1. Lemon Juice and Vinegar for. "An application of...
THE ITCH DISEASE. (Psoriasis) (not Common Itch). Definition
This is a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin, in which there appear upon the skin thick, adherent, overlapping, scales of a shiny, whitish color, and these are situated upon a reddish, slightly raised and sharply outlined (defined) base. Sympt...
ULCERS. An Eating Away of the Parts, Causes
Diseases like syphilis, tuberculosis, leprosy. Disturbances of nutrition, constitutional ulcers, local conditions. Ulcers are acute and chronic. An acute ulcer is a spreading ulcer, in and about which acute destructive inflammation exists. Treatment....
WART (Verucca). Mothers' Remedies
1. An Application for, also Good for Cuts and Lacerations. "Make a lotion of ten drops tincture of marigold to two ounces of water and apply." This is also good for severe cuts and lacerations. It may be applied by cloths or bandages if the case require...
WEN (Sebaceous Cyst. Steatoma)
A wen varies in size from a millet seed to an egg, and it is due to the distention of a sebaceous gland by its retained secretions. They occur most commonly on the scalp, face and back. They cause no pain, grow slowly, and after they have grown to a cer...