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Diseases Of Women
This is absence of menstruation. Causes. Delayed puberty, anemia (want of proper blood) chlorosis (green sickness). diabetes, malaria, tuberculosis and acute illness may cause it. Sometimes change of climate causes it and nursing baby too long. Sym...
Anatomy of the Female Genital Organs
The external genital organs, to which the term vulva is usually given, consist of the mons veneris, labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, vestibule, meatus urinarius, hymen, fossa navicularis, fourchette and perineum. ...
Child birth
Pelvic diseases frequently come from injuries received during labor. ...
Criminal abortion
The chief danger from the criminal interruption of pregnancy is sepsis (absorption of poisons) into the system. This may be acute in character and have a fatal termination, or chronic in nature, leading to permanent injury of the womb and fallopian tube...
Cystocele is simply a tumor formed by the bladder pressing into the walls of the vagina. The bladder descends into the pelvis on account of relaxation or destruction of its normal support. The anterior wall of the vagina yields. Causes. Tear of the p...
A cyst is a cavity containing fluid and surrounded by a covering (capsule). The duct (canal) of the gland of Bartholin, situated in the labia majora, sometimes closes and the secretions of the gland are not cast out, thus forming the cyst. Cause. The...
This is often caused by slow development of the generative organs. The girl may not come around until seventeenth to nineteenth year. Causes. It may be due to heredity. Lack of proper nourishment and proper exercise are the most important causative f...
These are named after their discoverer, Fallopian, an Italian anatomist. These tubes begin at the part of the body of the womb that extends out like a horn. This is on the sides near the top of the body of the womb. They are two in number and extend out...
Turning back or retro-displacements. This includes retro- version and retro-flexion. Retro-version means turning back, in plain terms. Retro-flexion means bending back, bending of the body of the womb, or the neck, backward. Retro-flexion is more common...
The way the abdomen is now constricted, and this is now a prominent feature of women's mode of dress, is without doubt an important predisposing cause in female diseases. This contraction of the normal size of the cavity of the abdomen, with the subsequ...
DYSMENORRHEA or Difficult Menstruation
This term means difficult and painful monthly periods. The pain may occur before, during or after the periods. Causes. It may be caused by a narrow cervical canal, the canal from the inner womb to the vagina. This is often very narrow and almost clos...
The womb may come down and remain in the vagina (incomplete falling). When the womb escapes at the vulva it is called a complete falling (prolapse or procidentia). For the Incomplete Kind. Replace the womb and wear a support for months. For the Com...
FIBROID TUMORS OF THE WOMB or Fibromata, Frequency
Some observers state that twenty to forty per cent of all women over thirty-five years have one or more of these tumors. They are not malignant. They are more common in women who are sterile, unable to become pregnant. They appear early in life and att...
Inflammation of the Body of the Womb
The discharge is thin and watery. If the Inflammation is Caused by Gonorrhea the discharge would partake of the pus-like variety. Symptoms. Local: is of course mainly the discharge or the irritation often produced by it, especially if it is thin. It ...
This is an inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the canal of the cervix (cervical canal), known as Endocervicitis; it may be acute or chronic. The acute form is seen most often as a part of a general infection involving both womb and cervix, and ...
Endometritis is an inflammation of the lining membrane of the womb, with a tendency to extend to the lining membrane of the fallopian tubes and to the peritoneum. These are the acute and chronic varieties. Causes. It may occur during an acute skin di...
Inflammation of the Ovary or Ovaritis
This is an inflammation of the ovary and it may be either acute or chronic. In the acute form the ovary is slightly enlarged and the follicles on the circumference are distended and filled with thick fluid or pus. In the chronic variety the ovary m...
Vaginitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vagina. Varieties. l. Catarrhal or simple 2. granular; 3. gonorrheal; 4. diphtheritic, and 5. senile. 1. Catarrhal or simple form. This is the most usual form. There is a general redness o...
(Vulvitis). An acute or chronic inflammation of the vulva (external genitals) either from a specific, like gonorrhoea, or non-specific cause. Causes. Veit says, "Seventy-five per cent of the cases are caused by gonorrhoea." Other Causes. Accumulat...
Vulvae or Pruritus. This intense itching is the characteristic symptom. With the itching there is more or less swelling of the parts and extreme nervous irritability. Causes. This is doubtful; some think it is a purely nervous condition. Parts irri...
LEUCORRHEA. (The Whites)
This is an over-secretion from the glands that pour out their contents into the vagina or the cervical canal of the womb. Causes. It is dependent upon many causes. Tear of the neck of the womb (cervix), displacements, inflammation of the womb and vagi...
Cancer or carcinoma is a malignant disease of the neck (cervix) of the womb. Causes. The immediate cause is not yet known. Tears and erosions (scraping off and making raw) are supposed to act as direct causes. Symptoms. Bleeding is the early and ve...
Too much bleeding at the monthly periods. If it occurs between the monthly periods it is called Metrorrhagia, womb-bleeding at any time, especially between the periods. Causes. These may be constitutional or local, the latter being the most important...
Many of the disorders of menstruation are due to carelessness and neglect of this function. There should be rest of both body and mind at this time, and especially at puberty. Rest is seldom allowed, but the daily routine is gone through, regardless of ...
Normal menstruation occurs monthly in the female. There is a flow of blood from the cavity of the womb. The time for its beginning is different in different countries, it being earlier in warm climates, ten to twelve years, and later in cold ones (fifte...
Mons Veneris
This is a rounded eminence surmounting the pubic bones, and is composed of fatty tissue, covered by skin and hair. ...
PREMATURE MENSTRUATION. Too early menstruation
Premature or precocious menstruation is when it occurs before puberty. This is in part hereditary, but bad associations may be a cause of this early menstruation. Treatment. The cause, if possible, should be removed. The nerves should be kept quiet b...
Prevention of Conception
This is a very common practice among civilized women, and it has a most destructive effect upon the pelvic organs, as well as upon the general system. ...
An inflammation of the inner lining of the womb caused by putrid (rotten), decaying material. Symptoms. A chill is sometimes present at the beginning. The fever is high, pulse bounds and feels hard and strong, the face is flushed but there is little ...
The muscle that holds up the lower end of the rectum is relaxed or torn and this deprives the lower end of the rectum of its support so that during expulsion of the feces forward distention of the anterior wall of the rectum into the vagina results. The...
SALPINGITIS. Inflammation of the Fallopian Tubes
It may be either acute or chronic in character. Condition. The tissues of the tubes become swollen when the inflammation runs into the pus stage; the finger-shaped end (outer end) is usually closed by adhesions, the pus accumulates in the tube and we...
This is an inflammation of the inner lining of the womb that occurs after child-birth during the first few weeks, and is due to a poison. Symptoms. The attack usually begins with a chill, preceded by a regular increase of the temperature and pulse. T...
This simply means that the womb, after miscarriage or child-birth, fails to return to its normal size and weight. Causes. This is frequently due to getting up too soon after labor. Symptoms. Menstruation or too much flow of blood (menorrhagia), dull...
This is a tear in the lower part of the cervix. There may be one or more. The left one-sided tear is the usual form. Next comes the tear on both sides (bilateral). Tears on front and behind are not frequent. Tears are found in about thirty per cent of w...
The Clitoris
This is an erectile structure, the analogue anatomically of the cavernous body of the penis, and is an elongated organ partially covered by the anterior extremities of the labia minora and connected on each side with the rami (slender process of the bon...
The Labia Majora
There are two more or less prominent longitudinal folds of cutaneous (pertaining to the skin) tissue, covered by hair and mucous membrane, which is continuous with the mucous membrane of the genital organs and urinary tract. They join at each extremity,...
The Labia Minora
These are two smaller folds situated within the labia majora, extending from the clitoris, downward and outward for about one and one-half inches on each side of the vaginal opening. At their convergence at the clitoris each lip (labium) divides into tw...
The Ovaries
They are analogues, anatomically, of the testes in the male. They are two egg-shaped bodies situated one on each side of the womb on the posterior aspect of the broad ligament, below and behind the fallopian tubes; each is connected by its anterior marg...
The Vagina
This is a membranous canal and extends from the vulva to the uterus (womb) and connects the external and internal organs of generation. It is four to six inches in length, the anterior wall being from one to two inches shorter than the posterior. It lie...
The Vestibule
This is the smooth surface of triangular form situated between the clitoris and the entrance to the vagina. The labia minora bound it on either side. It contains the opening of the urethra. The Hymen is a thin fold of mucous membrane of half moon in s...
Cystoma is the most common tumor of the ovary. The word "cystoma" means a cyst tumor, or cystic tumor. A cyst means a cavity containing fluid and surrounded by a covering (capsule). Ovarian cyst or tumors is often seen in print these days. Ovarian tumor...
This is a painful reflex muscular contraction of the vaginal orifice, and is most often observed in patients of a nervous and sensitive temperament. Treatment. Any local cause of irritation should be removed. If there is no local irritation, the opening...
Venereal diseases
Dr. Child says, "Syphilis exerts its usual baneful influence, but gonorrhoea is responsible for more pathological (diseased) lesions (conditions) in the female pelvis than any other one factor. Its attack, if not resulting in ultimate loss of life, alwa...
When menstruation is absent or suppressed, bleeding sometimes occurs periodically, from the ear, nose, any existing raw surface, leg, ulcer, and from the respiratory (breathing) tract, and also from the bowels. ...
Our busy life, our manner of dress, with all its attending demands are causing havoc with the health of women who are under its terrible strain. The number of women undergoing operations in our public and private hospitals from day to day bears witn...