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Foreign Bodies In The Larynx And
Choice Of Time To Do Bronchoscopy For Foreign Body
The difficulties of removal usually increase from the time of aspiration of the object. It tends to work downward and outward, while the mucosa becomes edematous, partly closing over the foreign body, and even completely obliterating the lumen of sm...
Esophageal Foreign Body
After initial choking and gagging, or without these, there may be a subjective sense of a foreign body, constant or, more often, on swallowing. Odynphagia and dysphagia or aphagia may or may not be present. Pain, sub-sternal or extending to the bac...
Foreign Bodies In The Larynx And Tracheobronchial Tree
The protective reflexes preventing the entrance of foreign bodies into the lower air passages are: (1) The laryngeal closing reflex and (2) the bechic reflex. Laryngeal closing for normal swallowing consists chiefly in the tilting and the closure of...
Site Of Lodgment
The majority of foreign bodies in the air passages occur in children. The right bronchus is more frequently invaded than the left because of the following factors: I. Its greater diameter. 2. Its lesser angle of deviation from the tracheal axis. 3. ...