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Intoxicants And Sun Strokes
After a slight primary exhilaration there is depression of the mind and body; skin eruptions, bad breath, spongy gums, poor appetite, indigestion, bad nutrition, permanent dilation of the cutaneous (skin) blood vessels, intermittent pulse, blunting of t...
Chronic Alcoholism
This is different; withdraw the alcohol and substitute strychnine, one-thirtieth of a grain three or four times a day, nourishing food, confinement in a sanitarium if necessary. Give the bromides for the restlessness and sleeplessness. Drugging of the l...
The drug is taken as a snuff, hypodermically, or in sprays and often the habit is formed when given as sprays, etc., in disease. Symptoms. Large doses cause great excitement, sometimes convulsions, followed by weak heart and respiratory weakness, gene...
FOOD POISONING. (Bromototoxismus)
Food may contain the specific organisms of disease, as of tuberculosis or trichinosis; milk and other foods may become infected with typhoid bacilli, and so convey the disease. Animals (or insects or bees) may feed on substances that cause their flesh ...
Called also heat exhaustion; thermic fever, coup de Soleil. A condition produced by exposure to excessive heat. Heat Exhaustion. This is caused by continued exposure to high temperatures, especially while working hard. Symptoms. Prostration with co...
LEAD POISONING. (Plumbism-Saturnism). Causes
It is common in lead smelters and grinders, painters, glaziers, and plumbers, whose hands are not washed before eating. The lead is absorbed by the mouth, skin and lungs. It may be taken into the system by drinking water, cider, etc., in new lead pipes...
MORPHINE HABIT. (Morphinomania--Morphinism)
This is usually acquired by the repeated use of the hypodermic syringe for pain. It is also used by the mouth or opium smoking. Symptoms. At first it causes a sense of well-being and exhilaration, but it must be gradually increased to produce the res...
SUNSTROKE. Heat Stroke, Thermic (heat) Fever
This occurs in persons chiefly who, while working very hard are exposed to the sun. Soldiers who are marching with their heavy accoutrements are very liable to be attacked. In large cities the most of the cases are confined to workmen who are much expo...