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Medical Uses Of Some Common Hous
ALCOHOL (Spirit of Wine)
Alcohol is a liquid composed of ninety-one per cent by weight of ethylic alcohol and of nine per cent by weight of water. Alcohol dissolves alkaloids, fatty and resinous substances, and is largely used as a menstruum in obtaining the active principles o...
ALUM (Alumen)
Dried alum is an astringent and mild "burner" for growths such as "proud flesh." The glycerite of alum is useful in tonsilitis or pharyngitis when it is not acute. In solution it condenses tissue by coagulating their albumin and acts as an astringent. ...
BORAX (Sodium Borate)
This drug as it appears in commerce of America is derived entirely from natural deposits found on the shores of lakes of California and Nevada. This is purified. Action. It is antiseptic in its action. It renders the urine alkaline. Gargle. It is u...
This is distilled from the wood and bark of the camphor tree, cinnamomum camphora, which grows chiefly in China and Japan. It should be kept in closed bottles. Uses. It is good for cold in the head in the early stages. It may be snuffed up the nostri...
CASTOR OIL (Oleum Ricini)
This is derived from the beans of Ricinis Communis, a plant in the United States. Action. It is bland and unirritating in its action as a purge and generally acts in four to five hours. Uses. It is used whenever irritant materials such as bad food,...
CREAM OF TARTAR (Potassii bitartras)
Uses: It is useful in kidney diseases to remove dropsy. In large doses of four teaspoonfuls it acts as a watery purge. It is useful where the urine is thick and alkaline to make it clear and normal. It is sometimes combined in equal parts with epsom sa...
GINGER (Zingiber)
Ginger is the rhizome of Zingiber Officinale, a plant of Hindostan, Jamaica and other tropical countries. Action: It is an agreeable carminative and stimulant, in easing the secretions and stimulating the wavelike movement of the bowels. It acts as a...
This is a saccharine fluid deposited in combs by the honey bee (Apis Mellifica). Action: It is slightly laxative and a pleasant article of food. Honey and water is used as a gargle and to relieve cough, dryness of the mouth and fauces. When used as a...
LARD (Adeps)
This is a common household article known to all. It is frequently used as the basis for ointments and cerates and in domestic practice as a lubricant. Tincture benzoin added to it prevents it from becoming rancid. It can be used in corrosive poisoning a...
Lemons, owing to their pleasant flavor and agreeable acidity, are very useful in a sick room. The rind yields an oil of great fragrancy. Each lemon yields two to eight drams of acidulous juice and contains seven to nine per cent of citric acid, besides ...
MUSTARD (Sinapis)
Mustard flour, two tablespoonfuls to a glass of water, acts as an emetic. If given largely it produces violent gastritis, and chronic gastritis is often set up by its constant use in excess. It should not be used in acute dyspepsia and bowel irritation....
OLIVE OIL. Sweet Oil (Oleum Olivae)
This is expressed from the ripe fruit. Action and Uses. It is a lubricant. It is added to poultices as an emollient in pneumonia and skin diseases. Internally, olive oil is nutritious and laxative, and a purgative in infants in doses of one teaspoon...
ONION (Allium Cepa)
It is supposed that the onion is a native of Hungary. It is now found over the whole civilized world. It contains a white, acrid, volatile oil holding sulphur in solution, albumen, much uncrystallizable sugar and mucilage, phosphoric acid both free and ...
SALT (Sodium Chloride)
This common household article is used in a great many different ways. In cooking it is used to season foods. The absence of salt gives rise to a bad state of the system, with the formation of intestinal worms. If used too freely, it produces in some per...
SODA (Bicarbonate of Soda)
Uses. It is used in stomach fermentation and in sick headaches arising from this condition. Useful in acidity of the stomach. Good for gas in the stomach. It is good as a local application to enlarged acute tonsils applied in powder. It is also used in ...
This is an important constituent in certain native mineral waters. On the bowels it acts as a mild laxative. It is very good in certain skin diseases and for itch in the form of an ointment it is often used. It is useful in chronic acne, and for lice, i...
TURPENTINE (Terebinthina)
Uses. It is a valuable counter-irritant in peritonitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, lumbago, pleurodynia, etc. Turpentine stupes are frequently used in abdominal inflammation, for flatulence and for bloating in typhoid fever. It is a valuable constituent of ...
Under the name of Petrolatum is sold a semi-solid substance derived from certain kinds of petroleum called cosmoline or vaselin. It has very soothing powers and does not become rancid and is used as a soothing dressing in sores, boils, and skin affectio...
VINEGAR (Acetic Acid)
Vinegar contains from six to seven per cent acetic acid. Dilute acetic acid contains six per cent pure acetic acid. The pure or glacial acetic acid is a crystalline solid at 59 degrees F., takes up moisture readily so should be kept in well stoppered bo...