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Mothers Diagnosis
Great weakness, stomach and bowel disorders, weak heart and dark coloring (pigmentation) of the skin. ...
This disease is a diminution of the total quantity of the blood of its red cells, or red corpuscles or of their Haemoglobin, the coloring matter of the red corpuscles. Some difficulty of breathing. Palpitation on least exertion, tendency to faint, heada...
Loss of appetite. There may be nausea and vomiting; there is usually a sudden onset of pain, often sharp and severe in the whole or part of the abdomen. Later the pain settles in the right groin. Patient lies on his back with his right knee drawn up. Th...
Albumin and casts in the urine. The onset is usually gradual. There is paleness and puffiness of the eyelids, ankles or hands in the morning. Later increased dropsy of face and the extremities, pasty yellow complexion, dyspepsia, constipation and heart ...
There is anemia and a gradual loss of weight. A peculiar color of the skin (cachexia), irregular vomiting, some bleeding of "coffee-ground" color. Progressive loss of weight. Dragging or burning in the region of the stomach. ...
Slight fever, chilly feelings. In twenty-four hours the eruption appears upon the body, face and forehead often only a few separate red pimples which soon become rounded vesicles; however, there may be few or many. ...
The onset is usually sudden with nausea, vomiting, and cramp-like bowel pains; vomits at first the stomach contents. Purging follows; vomiting and purging with severe cramps in abdomen and legs. ...
Child wakes up suddenly, perhaps at midnight, with a harsh barking cough, with difficulty of breathing, and it looks as if it could not get another breath. Then there is an easy spell and soon the spasm recurs. ...
The onset is gradual, glucose (sugar) is persistently in the urine. Great quantity of urine passed; six to forty pints in twenty-four hours. Thirst is great. Large quantities of water is taken. Loss of strength and weight, mouth is dry, tongue is red an...
This disease begins gradually, as a rule, with chilly feelings, pain in the back and limbs, pulse is faster, with a general redness of the throat before the formation of the membrane; with such symptoms there are great weakness, paleness, and a bad smel...
The onset may be marked by diarrhea, followed by a severe, cramp-like bowel pain, with frequent small stools containing blood and mucus and accompanied by much straining (tenesmus). ...
DYSPEPSIA, ACUTE. (Acute Gastritis, Acute Indigestion)
Distress in the stomach, headache, thirst, nausea, vomiting, tongue heavily coated, foul breath, distaste for food, tender stomach. [3 MOTHERS' DIAGNOSIS] ...
This is very common in children. It comes frequently as an extension through the eustachian canal of a cold. The ache is only an evidence of congestion or inflammation in the ear. The child bursts out crying violently and nothing seems to make it stop. ...
The onset is sudden, high fever, and a local redness with a sharply defined margin between it and a healthy skin. It frequently appears upon the nose and spreads over one cheek or both. It may show only a smooth raised skin, or there may be vesicles. ...
Sudden agonizing pain in the right upper abdomen in the region of the liver, with vomiting, prostration, tenderness in that region. Pain generally comes at intervals in paroxysms. There may be pains in the stomach during the weeks when the attack is abs...
Pain is severe and worse at night, the iris looks cloudy, muddy, the pupil is small. There is congestion around the iris (ciliary congestion). ...
Pain goes from the kidneys down through the ureter into the bladder and into the scrotum. There may be sand in the urine that makes it look like blood. LA GRIPPE--The onset is usually sudden, with a chill, and all of the symptoms of an active fever, ...
LOCK-JAW (Tetanus)
History of a wound. The muscles of the jaw may be stiff and set. When there are spasms the muscles remain stiff and hard for some time. ...
Chill, fever, and sweat, or one stage may be absent. There may be only a slight chilly feeling with fever almost all day and then remission. [4 MOTHERS' DIAGNOSIS] ...
Comes on gradually. There is a feeling of tiredness and languor, headache followed shortly by sneezing, cold symptoms, running at the eyes, dry throat, cough, much like an ordinary cold in the head, but with a persistent, hard racking cough. The eruptio...
MEASLES (German)
Chilliness, slight fever, pain in the back and legs, coryza. The eruption appears on the first or second day, on the face, then on the chest and in twenty-four hours over the whole body. The glands under the jaw enlarge. ...
The swelling is in front and below and behind the ear. Hard to eat and the swallowing of vinegar is almost impossible. ...
OPHTHALMIA NEONATORUM. (Inflammation of Eyes at Birth)
A severe conjunctivitis in the newly-born baby, swelling and redness usually of both eyes, occurring on the second or third day after birth; very soon there is a discharge and shortly it becomes creamy pus which runs from the eyes when the lids are par...
The onset may be sudden or gradual. Sudden with a chill, fever, a severe sharp pain, stitch in the side, made worse by respiration, coughing or moving. The cough is dry. The pain is near the breast and sometimes it extends to the back. ...
It begins with a chill, fever, pain in the lungs, expectoration with cough, and the material spit up may be mixed with blood (rusty sputa). Then also rapid rise of temperature, "grunting" breathing, the nostrils dilate, and the cheeks are flushed. ...
A number of joints become involved. It spreads from one joint to another, very painful joints; profuse sweating. ...
SCARLET FEVER. (Scarlatina)
Comes on suddenly with loss of appetite, headache, sick stomach, perhaps vomiting, high fever, sore throat, vomiting may persist. The tongue is coated, edges are red; later it is red and rough; the so-called strawberry tongue. Usually within twenty-four...
The onset is sudden and ushered in by a chill, nausea and vomiting, headache, and severe pains in the back and legs, without grip symptoms. There is a rapid rise of temperature. Usually on the fourth day after the onset small red pimples appear on the ...
Marked loss of appetite, chill, projectile vomiting, severe headache, pain and stiffness of the back and neck. Later head is drawn back, often the back is rigid. The muscles of the neck and back are very tender. [5 MOTHERS' DIAGNOSIS] ...
TONSILITIS. (Smooth and Follicular)
Commences with a chill, rapid rise of temperature, general aching in the back, and legs especially. The tonsils are large and red and spots may appear on them in a few hours. There may be no spots but a smooth; red, swollen tonsil, sometimes swollen to...
Irregular temperatures, respiration is more frequent than normal, pulse is rapid, cough, expectoration, night sweats, perhaps, and general failure of strength. ...
Light hurts the eyes very much, tears run freely and there is a feeling of something in the eye. The eyeball shows a rim of pink congestion about the cornea. The ulcer can be seen. ...
Pain, local tenderness, bleeding. Distress after eating and vomiting of a very acid fluid. Pain in the region of the stomach and usually sharp pain in the back is the most constant symptom. It is increased by food at once and relieved by vomiting. The t...
Begins with symptoms of a cold in the eyes, nose, and the chest. The cough gradually becomes worse, usually in from seven to ten days; it comes in paroxysms (spells) and then the whoop. ...