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Respiratory Diseases
1. PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT for Bronchitis. Sweating Remedy for
Take a hot bath and then go to bed, and take hot drinks after. See that the bowels are open. Nourishment is especially important in infants and old age. You can sweat them as directed under la grippe. Drink hot drinks, such as hoarhound, ginger, flaxse...
1. Pneumonia, Herb Tea and Poultice for
"Congestion of the lungs. One ounce of each of the following, slippery elm bark, crushed thyme, coltsfoot flowers, hyssop or marshmallow. Simmer in two quarts of water down to three pints; strain and add one teaspoonful of cayenne. Dose:--Wineglassful ...
Lobular pneumonia from abscesses in pyemia, from septic pleurisy, etc. Symptoms. Fever, pain, difficult breathing, cough, and expectoration containing or consisting of pus of offensive odor, etc. ...
ACUTE PLEURISY (Inflammation of the Pleura)
The pleura covers the wall of the chest cavity and infolds or surrounds the lungs. Pleurisy means the inflammation of this pleura or covering. Causes. Exposure to cold, etc. Onset may be gradual or sudden, with chills fever and sharp stitches in ...
This is a spitting of blood. It may come from the small bronchial tubes and less frequently from the blood vessels in the lung cavities or their walls. Symptoms. In incipient consumption of the lungs, bleeding develops suddenly as a rule, a warm salt...
BRONCHIAL ASTHMA. (Spasmodic Asthma.) Causes
It occurs in all ages, but usually begins in the young, particularly males. It often follows whooping-cough. It may come from diseases of the mouth such as adenoids, polypi. Exciting causes are change of climate and residence, dust, smoke, odors, error...
BRONCHO-PNEUMONIA. (Acute Inflammation of the Smaller Tubes and Lungs)
Causes. Most common under two years and in old people. Taking cold, whooping cough and measles. Symptoms. A primary case begins suddenly with a convulsion or chill, vomiting and rapid rise of temperature. Breathing is frequent and brain symptoms ...
CATARRH. (Chronic Inflammation of the Nose, Chronic Rhinitis). Causes
Frequent attacks of colds, irritating gases and dust, adenoids, enlarged tonsils, spurs on the septum (partition bone) or foreign bodies in the nose, like corn, beans, stone, etc. Symptoms and Course. There are alterations of the secretions: the amo...
People over middle age are more liable to it. It comes chiefly in winter, in changeable, cold and damp climates. It may follow repeated acute attacks. Symptoms. These are variable and are present chiefly in winter and damp weather. The cough is worse...
COLD IN THE CHEST. (Acute Bronchitis. Inflammation of Bronchial Tubes)
This is an acute inflammation of the larger and medium sized bronchial tubes. Causes. Youth and old age are more predisposed to it. Lack of fresh air and exercise, dusty work, poor general health, dampness and changeable weather in winter and e...
COLDS. (Coryza. Acute Nasal Catarrh. Acute Rhinitis)
This is an inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the nose. Causes: Exposure to cold or wet when the body is overheated; sudden or extreme changes in the atmosphere; inhaling irritating fumes or dust. Symptoms: A chilly feeling, limbs ache, ten...
Causes. There are many causes; inflammation of the larynx, bronchial tubes, lungs, also stomach and liver; and a nervous cough is present in our day. Remove the cause when possible. There are many good cough medicines now put up, and they can be bought...
CROUP, Spasmodic
This disease gives the parents a terrible shock if they have never seen any attacks of the kind. The symptoms which attend the attack are out of all proportion to the real danger. It is generally the result of exposure to cold or to the cold wind. Irrit...
Deviation is the bending or curving of the partition (septum) to one side or the other, leaving one nostril very large and roomy and closing the other nostril wholly or partly. Causes. Blows, falls, etc., high-arch palate. It is seldom seen under seven...
Diet in Laryngitis
Hard and dry toasts should be avoided, for they give pain on being swallowed, same reason applies to highly seasoned foods. Milk, custards, eggs, scraped beef may be taken. Difficulty in swallowing may be overcome by allowing the patient to lie flat on ...
A condition in which there is air or gas in tissues that normally have none, or an excess of air in tissues that normally contain a certain quantity of it. A condition of the lungs characterized by a permanent dilation of the air cells of the lung with ...
Swelling or oedma of the glottis or more correctly of the structure which forms the glottis, is a very serious affection. It may follow acute laryngitis or may be met with in chronic diseases of the larynx and from other diseases. It is dangerous. Sy...
HAY FEVER. (Rose Cold, June Cold or Hay Asthma)
This inflammation of the nose occurs in August and September. It is really a nervous affection of the nose membrane. Causes. A predisposition: A peculiar sensitive area in the mucous membrane of the nose. An exciting cause circulating in the air, the...
HOARSENESS. Inflammation of the Larynx. (Acute Laryngitis) Causes
Due to taking cold or over using the voice; hot liquids, poisons. It may occur in influenza and measles; from irritating gases; some are subject to it. Symptoms. Tickling in the larynx; cold air irritates, and breathing may cause some pain; dry cough...
This is an exudation (liquid) in the pleural cavity. Causes. Comes from disease causing dropsy, kidney disease, lung trouble, pleurisy, etc. PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT. Treat disease that causes it. An operation to remove the fluid may be necessary. A t...
MOTHERS' REMEDIES. 1. Asthma, Raspberry Tincture for Adults
"Take a half pound of honey, one cup water; let these boil, take off the scum; pour boiling hot upon one-half ounce lobelia herb and one-half ounce cloves; mix well, then strain and add one gill of raspberry vinegar. Take from one teaspoonful to a dess...
MOTHERS' REMEDIES. Bronchitis, Camphor and Lard for
1. "Grease a cloth well with lard to which has been added some camphor gum, then sprinkle on some dry baking soda and lay it on the chest. The camphor and lard should be made into a salve, then put on the soda. The lard and camphor gum penetrates the a...
MOTHERS' REMEDIES. Croup, Cold Application for
"Apply to throat a flannel wrung out of cold water, lay a dry cloth over it." This is an excellent remedy for a mother to try in case of an emergency when no other medicine can be obtained. This very often will relieve a child until other remedies can ...
MOTHERS' REMEDIES. Dry Cough and Tickling
l. "Raspberry Tincture. Take one-half pound of honey, one cup water; let these boil; take off scum; pour boiling hot upon one-half ounce lobelia herb and one-half ounce cloves; mix well, then strain and add one gill of raspberry vinegar. Take from one...
These are common in "consumption" and constitute one of the most distressing features of the disease. They usually occur when the fever drops in the early morning hours, or at any time of the day when the patient is sleeping. They may come on early in t...
NOSEBLEED. Mothers' Remedies
1. Nosebleed; remedy sent us by a Public School Teacher. "Make a compress of paper soaked in cold water; put it under the upper lip and have the patient press the lip with the fingers. Remarks. Tried with success in many cases by a school teacher." By ...
(Foul odor from nose, not breath, due to catarrh of the nose). The membrane is dry and shrunken. It is a very offensive odor, thus called "ozena." Causes. It is usually seen in people who are very much debilitated, in young factory girls, and sometim...
l. Atropine in doses of 1-120 to 1-60 grain is good to stop the sweating. It must be used carefully, three doses in twenty-four hours are enough. 2. Tonics to keep up the appetite like gentian, nux vomica or quinine may be given. The patient should w...
1. Inhale chloroform, or break a pearl of amyl nitrite in a handkerchief and inhale the fumes; or smoke saltpetre paper; or cigarettes containing stramonium (thornapple). Sometimes hot coffee fumes are good. To Prevent Recurrence. Take five to twenty...
PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT for Bleeding of the Wind-pipe and Lungs
In many cases the bleeding is slight and no more need be done than to keep the patient quiet and absolute rest. If the bleeding is free, the patient should be placed in bed, not allowed to speak above a whisper nor to change his position. 1. First T...
If the patient is run down, give tonics, plenty of fresh air and sunshine in the sleeping room, change of climate to a dry, unchangeable climate is sometimes necessary. Local. Attend to any disturbing cause, such as adenoids, spurs on the partition, ...
PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT for Chronic Bronchitis. Preventive
Warm equable climate, such as southern California, Florida, or the south of France, especially in the colder months; warm clothing, avoid exposure and fatigue. 1. First you can take three grains of ammonium chloride three to four times a day. 2. ...
Preventive. Avoid the known causes of the trouble. A daily cold bath, if well borne, is held to be an effectual prevention against taking cold. Have the adenoids removed if your physician so recommends it. If seen early it can frequently be aborted. Ba...
Active. 1. Dr. Douglas says wring cloths out of cold water and apply very freely to the throat, and recommends the following syrup: Syrup of Ipecac 3 fluid drams Hive Syrup 4 fluid drams Water 1-1/2 ounces Mix, and gi...
1. The following gives relief from the distressing symptoms. (But first the nose should be examined, for often there is local trouble there.). Then give suprarenal extract tablets, each five grains. Take one every four or five hours. 2. Pill Blennost...
1. Rest of the voice and if the case is severe keep in bed in a room with an even temperature and the air saturated with moisture from a steaming teakettle, etc. 2. An ice bag on the throat or cold water cloths to the front of the throat often give r...
Place the patient on his side half lying, head and shoulders raised and apply a cold compress to the forehead, nose, and to the back of the neck. Press the end of the nose firmly against the partition between the nostrils, for some minutes. This presse...
1. Home Remedy. The patient must go to bed and remain there. It is a good thing to get the patient in a sweat. For this purpose you can use the corn sweat described under treatment of la grippe. This will ease the patient and may shorten the attack. ...
A doctor must be called. For high fever, one to one and a half drops of aconite, for adults every hour; for children, about one-twelfth to one-eighth of a drop. For cough, chloride of ammonium, one to two grain doses. For pain, hot applications. Diet...
1. Inhalation of steam either with or without medicine is good. (See treatment of tonsilitis-Inhaling steam) I treated a man once who had a terrific pharyngitis, All the parts were so terribly swollen, that he was unable to swallow or talk. I induce...
PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT of Abscess of the Lungs
Incision and drainage. You must depend entirely upon your physician. ...
PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT of Child Crowing. Preventive
The gums should be carefully examined and if they are swollen and hot they should be lanced. The bowels should be carefully regulated, and as these children are usually of a delicate nature and afflicted with rickets, nourishing food and the treatment ...
1. Flaxseed (unground) 3 teaspoonfuls Extract of Licorice 30 grains Boiling water 10 ounces "Allow the mixture to stand one to four hours in a warm place. Then add a little lemon juice and sugar and place one to two teasp...
This is a common complaint especially among some adults. A predisposition to it is often due to chronic pharyngitis, chronic enlargement of the tonsils and adenoids of the wall of the pharynx as well as chronic nasal obstruction. Rheumatic persons are ...
The nose is divided by a middle partition (septum) into two cavities (nasal chambers or fossae) each being a wedge-shaped cavity, distinct by itself and extending from the nostril or anterior nares in front to the posterior openings behind and from the ...
TUMOR OF THE NOSE. (Nasal Polypus)
This tumor consists of a soft jelly- like whitish growth, usually found in the upper front part of the nostril. It may extend to the bottom (floor) of the nose, is quite soft and moveable, being easy to push aside with a probe. The air passing through ...