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Power Through Repose
Artistic Considerations
ALTHOUGH so much time and care are given to the various means of artistic expression, it is a singular fact that comparatively little attention is given to the use of the very first instrument which should be under command before any seconda...
Mind Training
IT will be plainly seen that this training of the body is at the same time a training of the mind, and indeed it is in essence a training of the will. For as we think of it carefully and analyze it to its fundamental principles, we realize t...
Nature's Teaching
NATURE is not only our one guide in the matter of physical training, she is the chief engineer who will keep us in order and control the machine, if we aim to fulfil her conditions and shun every personal interference with the wholesome work...
Nervous Strain In Pain And Sickness
THERE is no way in which superfluous and dangerous tension is so rapidly increased as in the bearing of pain. The general impression seems to be that one should brace up to a pain; and very great strength of will is often shown in the effort...
Nervous Strain In The Emotions
THE most intense suffering which follows a misuse of the nervous power comes from exaggerated, unnecessary, or sham emotions. We each have our own emotional microscope, and the strength of its lens increases in proportion to the supersensiti...
Other Forms Of Rest
DO you hold yourself on the chair, or does the chair hold you? When you are subject to the laws of gravitation give up to them, and feel their strength. Do not resist these laws, as a thousand and one of us do when instead of yielding gently...
Our Relations With Others
EVERY one will admit that our relations to others should be quiet and clear, in order to give us freedom for our work. Indeed, to make these relations quiet and happy is the special work that some of us have to do. There are laws for health,...
Perversions In The Guidance Of The Body
SO evident are the various, the numberless perversions of our powers in the misuse of the machine, that it seems almost unnecessary to write of them. And yet, from another point of view, it is very necessary; for superabundant as they are, t...
Rest In Sleep
HOW do we misuse our nervous force? First, let us consider, When should the body be completely at rest? The longest and most perfect rest should be during sleep at night. In sleep we can accomplish nothing in the way of voluntary activity ei...
ADOPTING the phrase of our forefathers, with all its force and brevity, we say, "The proof of the pudding is in the eating." If the laws adduced in this book are Nature's laws, they should preserve us in health and strength. And so they do...
The Brain In Its Direction Of The Body
WE come now to the brain and its direction of other parts of the body. What tremendous and unnecessary force is used in talking,--from the aimless motion of the hands, the shoulders, the feet, the entire body, to a certain rigidity of car...
The Child As An Ideal
WHILE the path of progress in the gaining of repose could not be traced thus far without reference to the freedom of a baby, a fuller consideration of what we may learn from this source must be of great use to us. The peace and freshness ...
The Direction Of The Body In Locomotion
LIFTING brings us to the use of the entire body, which is considered simply in the most common of all its movements,--that of walking. The rhythm of a perfect walk is not only delightful, but restful; so that having once gained a natural w...
The Guidance Of The Body
THE literature relating to the care of the human body is already very extensive. Much has been written about the body's proper food, the air it should breathe, the clothing by which it should be protected, the best methods of its development...
The Rational Care Of Self
A WOMAN who had had some weeks of especially difficult work for mind and body, and who had finished it feeling fresh and well, when a friend expressed surprise at her freedom from fatigue, said, with a smiling face: "Oh! but I took great car...
The Use Of The Brain
LET us now consider instances where the brain alone is used, and the other parts of the body have nothing to do but keep quiet and let the brain do its work. Take thinking, for instance. Most of us think with the throat so contracted that it...
The Use Of The Will
IT is not generally recognized that the will can be trained, little by little, by as steadily normal a process as the training of a muscle, and that such training must be through regular daily exercise, and as slow in its effects as the trai...
Training For Motion
"IN every new movement, in every unknown attitude needed in difficult exercises, the nerve centres have to exercise a kind of selection of the muscles, bringing into action those which favor the movement, and suppressing those which oppose i...
Training For Rest
BUT how shall we gain a natural repose? It is absurd to emphasize the need without giving the remedy. "I should be so glad to relax, but I do not know how," is the sincere lament of many a nervously strained being. There is a regular trai...