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Nerves And Common Sense
A Summing Up
GIVE up resentment, give up unhealthy resistance. If circumstances, or persons, arouse either resentment or resistance in us, let us ignore the circumstances or persons until we have quieted ourselves. Freedom does not come from merely yie...
About Faces
WATCH the faces as you walk along the street! If you get the habit of noticing, your observations will grow keener. It is surprising to see how seldom we find a really quiet face. I do not mean that there should be no lines in the face. We a...
About Frights
HERE are two true stories and a remarkable contrast. A nerve specialist was called to see a young girl who had had nervous prostration for two years. The physician was told before seeing the patient that the illness had started through frigh...
About Voices
I KNEW an old German--a wonderful teacher of the speaking voice--who said "the ancients believed that the soul of the man is here"--pointing to the pit of his stomach. "I do not know," and he shrugged his shoulders with expressive interest, ...
I KNOW a woman who says that if she wants to get her father's consent to anything, she not only appears not to care whether he consents or not, but pretends that her wishes are exactly opposite to what they really are. She says it never fail...
Do Not Hurry
HOW can any one do anything well while in a constant state of rush? How can any one see anything clearly while in a constant state of rush? How can any one expect to keep healthy and strong while in a constant state of rush? But most of m...
Don't Talk
THERE is more nervous energy wasted, more nervous strain generated, more real physical harm done by superfluous talking than any one knows, or than any one could possibly believe who had not studied it. I am not considering the harm done by ...
Habit And Nervous Strain
PEOPLE form habits which cause nervous strain. When these habits have fixed themselves for long enough upon their victims, the nerves give way and severe depression or some other form of nervous prostration is the result. If such an illness ...
How To Be Ill And Get Well
ILLNESS seems to be one of the hardest things to happen to a busy woman. Especially hard is it when a woman must live from hand to mouth, and so much illness means, almost literally, so much less food. Sometimes one is taken so suddenly a...
How To Sew Easily
IT is a common saying that we should let our heads save our heels, but few of us know the depth of it or the freedom and health that can come from obedience to it. For one thing we get into ruts. If a woman grows tired sewing she takes it...
How Women Can Keep From Being Nervous
MANY people suffer unnecessarily from "nerves" just for the want of a little knowledge of how to adjust themselves in order that the nerves may get well. As an example, I have in mind a little woman who had been ill for eight years--eight ...
Human Dust
WHEN we face the matter squarely and give it careful thought, it seems to appear very plainly that the one thing most flagrantly in the way of the people of to-day living according to plain common sense--spiritual common sense as well as mat...
Imaginary Vacations
ONCE a young woman who had very hard work to do day after day and who had come to where she was chronically strained and tired, turned to her mother just as she was starting for work in the morning, and in a voice tense with fatigue and trou...
Irritable Husbands
SUPPOSE your husband got impatient and annoyed with you because you did not seem to enter heartily into the interests of his work and sympathize with its cares and responsibilities and soothe him out of the nervous harassments. Would you not...
Is Physical Culture Good For Girls?
A NUMBER of women were watching a game of basket-ball played by some high-school girls. In the interim for rest one woman said to her neighbor: "Do you see that girl flat on her back, looking like a very heavy bag of sand ?" "Yes," the an...
Plain Every-day Common Sense
PLAIN common sense! When we come to sift everything down which will enable us to live wholesome, steady, every-day, interesting lives, plain common sense seems to be the first and the simplest need. In the working out of any problem, whether...
Positive And Negative Effort
DID you ever have the grip? If you ever have you may know how truly it is named and how it does actually grip you so that it seems as if there were nothing else in the world at the time--it appears to entirely possess you. As the Irishman sa...
Quiet Vs Chronic Excitement
SOME women live in a chronic state of excitement all the time and they do not find it out until they get ill. Even then they do not always find it out, and then they get more ill. It is really much the same with excitable women as with a m...
Take Care Of Your Stomach
WE all know that we have a great deal to do. Some of us have to work all day to earn our bread and butter and then work a good part of the night to make our clothes. Some of us have to stand all day behind a counter. Some of us have to sit a...
Telephones And Telephoning
MOST men--and women--use more nervous force in speaking through the telephone than would be needed to keep them strong and healthy for years. It is good to note that the more we keep in harmony with natural laws the more quiet we are forc...
The Care Of An Invalid
TO take really good care of one who is ill requires not only knowledge but intelligent patience and immeasurable tact. A little knowledge will go a great way, and we do not need to be trained nurses in order to help our friends to bear the...
The Habit Of Illness
IT is surprising how many invalids there are who have got well and do not know it! When you feel ill and days drag on with one ill feeling following another, it is not a pleasant thing to be told that you are quite well. Who could be expecte...
The Tired Emphasis
"I AM so tired, so tired--I go to bed tired, I get up tired, and I am tired all the time." How many women--how many hundred women, how many thousand women--say that to themselves and to others constantly. It is perfectly true; they are ...
The Trying Member Of The Family
"TOMMY, don't do that. You know it annoys your grandfather." "Well, why should he be annoyed? I am doing nothing wrong." "I know that, and it hurts me to ask you, but you know how he will feel if he sees you doing it, and you know that t...
The Woman At The Next Desk
IT may be the woman sewing in the next chair; it may be the woman standing next at the same counter; it may be the woman next at a working table, or it may be the woman at the next desk. Whichever one it is, many a working woman has her li...
What Is It That Makes Me So Nervous?
THE two main reasons why women are nervous are, first, that they do not take intelligent care of their bodies, and secondly, that they do not govern their emotions. I know a woman who prefers to make herself genuinely miserable rather tha...
Why Does Mrs Smith Get On My Nerves?
IF you want to know the true answer to this question it is "because you are unwilling that Mrs. Smith should be herself." You want her to be just like you, or, if not just like you, you want her to be just as you would best like her. I ha...
Why Fuss So Much About What I Eat?
I KNOW a woman who insisted that it was impossible for her to eat strawberries because they did not agree with her. A friend told her that that was simply a habit of her mind. Once, at a time when her stomach was tired or not in good conditi...
Working Restfully
ONCE met a man who had to do an important piece of scientific work in a given time. He worked from Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock until Monday morning at 10 o'clock without interruption, except for one hour's sleep and the necessary time it...
You Have No Idea How I Am Rushed
A WOMAN can feel rushed when she is sitting perfectly still and has really nothing whatever to do. A woman can feel at leisure when she is working diligently at something, with a hundred other things waiting to be done when the time comes. I...