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TONSILITIS. (Smooth and Follicular)

Categories: Mother's Diagnosis

Commences with a chill, rapid rise
of temperature, general aching in the back, and legs especially. The

tonsils are large and red and spots may appear on them in a few hours.

There may be no spots but a smooth; red, swollen tonsil, sometimes swollen

to an enormous size. The spot and membrane, if any exists, are easily

rubbed off and when this is done a glistening surface is seen, but not

raw, as in diphtheria.

TYPHOID FEVER--There is a feeling of illness for a week or two and the

patient is not able to work much, does not sleep well, dreams, has a dull

headache, back of the neck may be stiff, nosebleed sometimes, with a

feeling as if there was some fever, increasing feeling of weakness, and

sick feeling. Finally the fever, etc., becomes more prominent with

constipation and diarrhea.

