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Illness The Root Of

Sources: Papers On Health

In treating any trouble it is well to get to the

root of it. On one occasion a patient complained that the doctor never

struck at the root of his illness. The doctor lifted his

walking-stick and smashed the brandy bottle which stood on the table,

remarking that his patient would not have to say that again. This will

illustrate what we mean. Liquor drinking must be given up: it is the

root of multitudinous ills; so must
excessive tea drinking. Tobacco is

one of the most insidious of poisons in its effects on the nerves, and

is to be absolutely given up if a cure is expected in nervous cases.

Chloral, laudanum, and opium in other forms, may give temporary relief;

but they are deadly poisons, paralysing the nerves and ultimately

completely wrecking the system. The continued use of digitalis for

heart disease is a dreadful danger. We mention these by name as most

common, to illustrate the truth that it is vain to treat a patient

while the cause of his illness is allowed to act. If any evil habit

of indulgence has given rise to trouble, that habit must be given up; a

hard fight may have to be fought, but the victory is sure to those who

persevere. Often dangerous symptoms appear, but these must be faced: to

relieve them by a return to drugs is to fasten the chains more surely

on the patient. It is better to suffer a little than to be all one's

life a slave.

