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MENSES, suppression of
Aconite 3X dil. when caused by cold.
Caulophyllum 3X dil. can alternate this with aconite every hour.
MENORRHAGIA (too much flow)
Comes on gradually. There is a feeling of tiredness and languor, headache followed shortly by sneezing, cold symptoms, running at the eyes, dry throat, cough, much like an ordinary cold in the head, but with a persistent, hard racking cough. The eruptio...
Measles is an acute infectious disease, distinguished by a characteristic eruption on the mucous membranes and skin. It is very contagious and spreads through the atmosphere. Almost everyone is susceptible to measles and suffers at least one attack. The...
Aconite 2X dil. in the beginning. Belladonna 3X dil. for sore throat, dry spasmodic cough, headache delirium. Bryonia 2X dil. When lungs are sore and hurts much to cough. ...
MEASLES (German)
Chilliness, slight fever, pain in the back and legs, coryza. The eruption appears on the first or second day, on the face, then on the chest and in twenty-four hours over the whole body. The glands under the jaw enlarge. ...
Body opening or passage, such as the opening of the ear or the urethra. ...
Homeopathic medicines should be kept in a dry cool place. Do not leave them standing open among odors or exposed to bright lights. The following are among those common for home use: List of Remedies. Aconitum Colocynthis ...
Melancholia is a disease characterized by great mental depression. Causes--Predisposition, physical disease, dissipation, work and worry, shock, brooding. In simple melancholia the mildest attack may be called the "blues." ...
This is an inflammation of the membranes covering the brain alone, and generally commences with fever and severe headaches, with avoidance of light and noise as these are painful. In some cases we have delirium, stupor and coma. Treatment. Treatment ...
MENINGITIS. Tubercular, (Basilar Meningitis)
This affection which is also known as acute hydrocephalus (meaning water on the brain), is essentially an acute tuberculosis in which the membranes of the brain, sometimes of the cord bear the brunt of the attack. It is more common in children than in ...
Unusually heavy or extended menstrual flow. ...
Too much bleeding at the monthly periods. If it occurs between the monthly periods it is called Metrorrhagia, womb-bleeding at any time, especially between the periods. Causes. These may be constitutional or local, the latter being the most important...
MENORRHAGIA (too much flow)
Sabina 3X dil. pains between sacrum and pubic bones most, bright red blood. Ipecac 3X dil. especially when there is much nausea. China 3X dil. especially when it is a chronic case. WHITES, Leucorrhea. Pulsatilla 3X dil. In blondes. Sepia 6...
MENSES, suppression of
Aconite 3X dil. when caused by cold. Caulophyllum 3X dil. can alternate this with aconite every hour. ...
These are very common. They may be regular every month, and they are then caused by some trouble with the womb or ovaries, or may be due to a run-down condition or heredity. It comes sometimes from suppression of the menses as a consequence of some viol...
Many of the disorders of menstruation are due to carelessness and neglect of this function. There should be rest of both body and mind at this time, and especially at puberty. Rest is seldom allowed, but the daily routine is gone through, regardless of ...
Normal menstruation occurs monthly in the female. There is a flow of blood from the cavity of the womb. The time for its beginning is different in different countries, it being earlier in warm climates, ten to twelve years, and later in cold ones (fifte...
Solvent used to extract compounds from plant and animal tissues and preparing drugs. ...
Burning heat in stomach and bowels, vomiting, diarrhea, with bloody stools, tongue white, shriveled, suppressed urine, gums sore, salivation. Antidote. Milk or white of eggs; one egg for four grains of drug, flour paste. Treatment. Cause vomiting ...
Lightweight, soft, shiny silk cloth with a twilled or satin weave. ...
Methyl Salicylate
Liquid ester C8H8O3 obtained from the leaves of wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens) or the bark of a birch (Betula lenta); now made synthetically, and used as a flavoring and a counterirritant. ...
Poisonous Eurasian ornamental shrub (Daphne mezereum) with fragrant lilac-purple flowers and small scarlet fruit. The dried bark of this plant was used externally as a vesicant (blistering agent) and internally for arthritis. ...
Appearance of millet seeds. Small skin lesions with the appearance of millet seeds. ...
This is due to infection. It usually arises from an extension of a blood clot (thrombosis) of the womb or pelvic veins, to the thigh (femoral) vein, resulting in a partial or complete obstruction of the vein. It may come in less frequent cases, from a l...
Milk Poison, Popular Remedy for
Yellow Poplar Bark 4 ounces Wild Gooseberry Roots 4 ounces Slippery Elm Bark 4 ounces Put in an earthern vessel with two quarts of water; put over a slow fire and simmer to one pint, then strain and add it to one gallon o...