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Scrofulous Difficulties, a Good Remedy for
Unclassified Remedies
"A tea made of ripe dried
whortleberries and drank in place of water is an excellent remedy."
Scrofula (struma)
Tropical American plants, genus Smilax, with fragrant roots used as a flavoring. Dried roots of any of these plants. Sweet soft drink flavored with these roots. savin Evergreen Eurasian shrub (Juniperus sabina) with brownish-blue seed-be...
Tincture of Benzoin Compound 1 ounce Tincture of Tolu 1 ounce Chloroform 1/2 dram Sulphuric Ether 1/2 dram Aromatic Spirits of Ammonia 4 drams Oil of Tar ...
Acidi Boracici 2 drams Salol 2 drams Balsam Peru 1 dram Carbolic Acid 20 drops Vaselin 1 ounce Lanoline 2 ounces Mix. This is excellent. First wash the head thoroughly with castile s...
Belladonna 3X dil. Put ten drops in a glass half full of water and give two teaspoonfuls every two hours for usual kind. Apis Mel. 2X trit. (tablet form). One to two every three hours when the kidneys secrete less and there is some dropsy. ...
SCARLET FEVER. (Scarlatina)
Comes on suddenly with loss of appetite, headache, sick stomach, perhaps vomiting, high fever, sore throat, vomiting may persist. The tongue is coated, edges are red; later it is red and rough; the so-called strawberry tongue. Usually within twenty-four...
Scarlet fever is an acute infectious disease, with a characteristic eruption. Modes of Conveying. The nearer a person is to a patient the more likely one is to take or convey the disease. Clothing, bedding, etc., may retain the poison for months. Sca...
Schaefer Method of Effecting Artificial Respiration In Case of Drowning
After an investigation and comparison of the different methods of artificial respiration, Schaefer suggests one which is by far the simplest and easiest and at the same time one of the most effective and least injurious to the patient. In describing i...
This is as a rule a neuritis of the sciatic nerve or of its cords of origin. It is characterized by pain chiefly along the course of the sciatic nerve. Causes. It occurs most commonly in adult males. The person may have a history of rheumatism or gou...
Rhus tox 6X trit. (tablet form). Pains better on motion, must move. Bryonia 2X dil. must keep quiet. Arsenicum 3X trit. (tablet form) restless, burning, shooting pains. ...
Iodide Potash 192 grains Fluid Extract Queen's Root 1 ounce Fluid Extract Prickly Ash Bark 1/2 ounce Fluid Extract Yellow Dock 1 ounce Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla 8 ounces Mix. Do...
Scrofula (struma)
A form of tuberculosis affecting the lymph nodes, especially of the neck. Common in children. Spread by unpasteurized milk from infected cows. scurf Scaly or shredded dry skin, such as dandruff. ...
Scrofulous Difficulties, a Good Remedy for
"A tea made of ripe dried whortleberries and drank in place of water is an excellent remedy." ...
Disease caused by deficiency of vitamin C (citrus fruit; oranges, limes,..); causes spongy and bleeding gums, bleeding under the skin, and extreme weakness. ...
Carbo Veg. 3X trit. (tablet form). Mercurius 3X tablet. ...
SCURVY. (Scorbutus)
A constitutional disease characterized by weakness, anemia, sponginess of the gums and tendencies to bleeding. Causes. This disease has been called "The calamity of sailors." It has been known from the earliest times, and has prevailed particularly in...
Second Stage
The pains now become more frequent and severe and last longer, and the patient now manifests a strong desire to expel the contents of the womb. The woman now feels better in bed and when the pains come she involuntarily bears down, with each contraction...
Hemorrhage form (bleeding). (a) Rapid bleeding from the rupture of an aneurism, from a blow, or eating into the blood vessels by an ulcer. (b) Slow bleeding as from nose-bleed, flow from the womb, piles or in "bleeders" people who bleed readily. 2. I...
Persevering and constant in effort or application; assiduous. senna Plants of the genus Cassia, having showy, nearly regular, usually yellow flowers. Dried leaves of Cassia angustifolia or C. acutifolia, used as a cathartic. ...
A village in Bohemia (also Sedlitz). Seidlitz powders, effervescing salts, consisting of forty grains of sodium bicarbonate, two drachms of Rochell salt (tartrate of potassium and sodium) and thirty-five grains of tartaric acid. The powders a...
Dried root of seneca snakeroot containing an irritating saponin and was formerly used as an expectorant ...
Acute dementia attacks both sexes, but it occurs most often in females, though in a milder degree. It is a disease of youth, being rarely seen beyond thirty years of age. It seems to depend often upon exhausting influences operating at a period of rapi...
The vast majority of these cataracts are found after the age of fifty. They simply come without any known cause. Of course, injury can cause a cataract and it is then called traumatic cataract. ...