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Cadaver Practice

Sources: A Manual Of Peroral Endoscopy And Laryngeal Surgery

The fundamental principles of peroral

endoscopy are best taught on the cadaver. It is necessary that a

specially prepared subject be had, in order to obtain the required

degree of flexibility. Injecting fluid of the following formula worked

out by Prof. J. Parsons Schaeffer for the Bronchoscopic Clinic

courses, has proved very satisfactory:

Sodium carbonate--1 1/2 lbs.

White arsenic--2 1/2 lbs.
r /> Potassium nitrate--3 lbs.

Water--5 gal.

Boil until arsenic is dissolved. When cold add:

Carbolic acid 1500 c.c.

Glycerin 1250 c.c.

Alcohol (95%) 1250 c.c.

For each body use about 3 gal. of fluid.

The method of introduction of the endoscopic tube, and its various

positions can be demonstrated and repeatedly practiced on the cadaver

until a perfected technic is developed in both the operator and

assistant who holds the head, and the one who passes the instruments

to the operator. In no other manner can the landmarks and endoscopic

anatomy be studied so thoroughly and practically, and in no other way

can the pupil be taught to avoid killing his patient. The

danger-points in esophagoscopy are not demonstrable on the living

without actually incurring mortality. Laryngeal growths may be

simulated, foreign body problems created and their mechanical

difficulties solved and practice work with the forceps and tube


