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Sources: A Newly Discovered System Of Electrical Medication

This is substantially the same thing as trismus, except that it

extends to other parts, and often to nearly all the muscles of the

organism. Under ordinary treatment, it is almost invariably fatal. I am

not aware that it has been sufficiently submitted to our electrical

system to determine satisfactorily the question of its amenability to

it. Yet I see no reason to doubt that, in the most of cases, when taken

within reasonable time, it may be cured.

Use the B D current, in pretty strong force. Place the N. P., long

cord, at the feet, and treat with P. P. from the medulla oblongata, or

from the upper cervical vertebra, all along down the spine, for several

minutes--say, three to five minutes. Then pass with P. P. over the whole

trunk and limbs. Continue to treat until relaxation takes place, or all

hope of relief departs.

