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The Central Point Of The Circuit

Sources: A Newly Discovered System Of Electrical Medication

The central point of the circuit--that point which divides between its

positive and negative halves--is reckoned, in practice, to be the

midway point in the line over which the current passes, in its whole

course from the positive post around to the negative post. When the

cords are of equal length, this point will always be in the person of

the patient, about midway between the parts where the two electrodes are

d. This central point, or "point of centrality," is practically

neuter--neither positive nor negative; and upon the two opposite halves

of the circuit, the positive and negative qualities of the current are

in greatest force nearest to the posts, and in least force nearest to

the central point. At this point they cease altogether, and the central

point is neuter.

It may, perhaps, be observed that, in apparent contradiction of this

statement, the sensational effect of the current on the negative half

of the circuit is least nearest to the positive post, and becomes

regularly greater as the current advances towards the central point;

and that at this point it is greater than at any other point between

this and the positive post. To relieve this seeming contradiction, it is

only necessary to consider that, in fact, the positive state on the

negative half of the current does increase regularly from the

positive post to the central point. But that which is the increase of

the positive state is the decrease of the negative state. So it is

still true that on the negative half of the circuit, the negative

qualities diminish as we advance towards the central point just as on

the positive half, the positive qualities diminish regularly towards

the central point, as stated above.

