Teething Of Children
An Epitome Of Homeopathic Healing Art
Affections arising from teething of children, are often of a serious
character. The most prominent of which is _Diarrhoea_. _Fever_
frequently accompanies the diarrhoea, and _convulsions_ occasionally
occur. _Aconite_ and _Chamomilla_ should be used in alternation, every
one or two hours, according to the violence of the fever, and if
convulsions occur, or are threatened, as will be known by twitching,
starting, and sc
eaming, use _Nux_ and _Bell_. These may be given in
rotation with the others, following the remedies, one after the other,
every hour. I have relieved the most alarming cases in a day by this
method of procedure, that had not yielded to either of the single
remedies for several days, given as directed in the books; the patient
growing worse continually. If the gums over the teeth look white and the
teeth, (one or more,) are near the surface, the gums should, by all
means, be cut. Press the point of a lancet or penknife down upon the top
of the gum, until the tooth is plainly felt, and be sure to make the cut
as wide as the tooth. Rub the gums with _Arnicated water_ once or twice
a day. _Pulsatilla_ should be given at night and _Chamomilla_ in the
morning, during the whole summer while the child is teething, as a
prophylactic against the fever and diarrhoea that is likely to occur.
It will generally save all trouble.
If the diarrhoea is profuse, watery and light colored or brown, give
_Phos. acid_ and _Veratrum_ alternately, as often as the discharges
occur. For the restlessness of infants at night, _Coffea_ is the