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Acute Diarrhea
Take B D current. Place N. P., long cord, upon the lumbar vertebrae and sacrum, moving it often along the spine, from a position opposite to the umbilicus down to the coccyx; and treat with P. P. over the abdomen, and more especially wherever pain o...
Amaurosis Paralysis Of The Optic Nerve
Use B D current, moderate force, three or four times, and then change to C D. Apply the eye-bath, N. P., to the eye, and sponge-cup P. P. upon one of the upper dorsal vertebrae. Treat three to five minutes on each eye, three times a week. ...
Amenorrhea Suppressed Menstruation
Treat as for chlorosis. But if the case be recent--the effect of taking cold--begin, in the first few sittings, to treat eight or ten minutes as for common cold; then conclude the sitting by treating, about as many minutes, in the same manner as pre...
Aphonia Loss Of Voice
This affection requires treatment variously, as it depends on one or another procuring cause. If it be the result of recent "cold," inducing acute catarrhal irritation in the larynx, treat first as for common cold, and close the sitting as follow...
Asphyxia Suspended Animation
Use B D current, pretty strong force. Place P. P. at back of neck--second or third cervical vertebra, and treat with N. P., over all the chest and along the lower margin of the ribs, so as to excite the pectoral muscles, lungs and diaphragm. ...
Use the A D current, medium force. Treat with P. P. over the shoulders and between the scapulae, and with N. P. in front upon the lungs, heart and diaphragm. Treat five to ten minutes, daily, for three or four days; after that, three times a week. ...
Biliary Calculi Gravel In Liver
Take A C current, strong as can be borne; and treat the inflamed and painful part with P. P., while N. P. is upon the right end of the duodenum. Treat eight to ten minutes, daily. ...
Cancers take on a variety of forms, distinguished by different names; but since they all require substantially the same electrical treatment, it is unnecessary here to describe them. Begin with the A B current in pretty full volume. [The volume of...
Catarrh Acute
If in the head, treat as prescribed for common colds in the head. If in the throat, place N. P. somewhere on the dorsal vertebrae, and treat with P. P.--tongue instrument--in the mouth about five minutes, and then with end-sponge cup externally upon...
Catarrh Chronic
If in the head, first give face-bath, as in common colds, except with reversed poles and changing to the A D current, very mild force. If in the throat or bronchial tubes, place the P. P. of the A D current, with long cord, on the back of the neck o...
Cephalagia Headache
1. "Nervous headache." Take the B D current--moderate force. Place P. P. on back of neck, just below the brain, and manipulate with side-sponge cup, N. P., all the way down the spine and over the back. It may often be necessary to apply the P. P. ...
Chlorosis Green Sickness
This is a disease mostly or entirely peculiar to young women who have not menstruated, and disappears on the establishment of the monthly periods. Take the A D current. If any symptoms exist of an effort of nature to bring on the menses, note the...
Cholera Malignant
As in cholera morbus, keep the patient on his back, still as can be. Use A D current, full medium strength. In the early stage, or during the "rice-water" discharges, and down to the time of collapse, treat the abdomen and thorax with P. P., havin...
Cholera Morbus
Keep the patient still as possible on his back. Use A D current, strong force. Place N. P., long cord, at coccyx, and treat with P. P. over abdomen, five to ten minutes, and repeat, if necessary, in thirty to sixty minutes. If there be cramps, touch...
Chronic Diarrhea
Take A D current, of very mild force. Place P. P. at the feet, and treat with N. P. over the lower limbs briefly; then over the bowels and stomach, both front and rear, some three to five minutes; then pass up with N. P. over the anterior parts of t...
Colic Of Whatever Kind
Use A D current, pretty strong force. In severe cases, introduce the rectum instrument N. P., long cord, or in mild cases, place sponge-roll N. P., long cord, at coccyx, and treat with P. P. over all the abdomen, three to five minutes. It may be rep...
Common Colds
Take the B D Faradaic current--moderate strength. If the affection be mainly in the head, give, 1st. A face bath. Let an earthen wash-basin, nearly filled with tepid water, be placed on a table or chair before the patient, he holding the sponge-r...
Common Cramp
Although either the positive or the negative pole, applied to the healthy muscle, may produce spasmodic contraction, yet the negative pole contracts much more powerfully than the positive--a fact which shows an electrically plus condition in the ner...
Constipation Of Bowels
This disease may proceed from either a negative condition--a state of atony from lack of nutrition, or a partial paralysis of the bowels--or from a positive condition--a state of relaxation and consequent weakness of the muscular tissues of the bowe...
Treat croup, whether membranous or spasmodic, much the same as is prescribed for diphtheria, only, in the latter part of the form, treat less. ...
The prognosis is very uncertain. This infirmity is often cured by our system, even when of long standing; and often, again, the treatment fails. The uncertainty arises from the difficulty in determining the exact pathological derangement. Take th...
Diabetes A Kidney Disease
This disease occurs in two forms--diabetes insipidus and diabetes mellitus. In the first named form, the disease is readily cured. In the latter, it is very formidable, and is rarely, if ever, cured by medicines; especially when of long standing. In...
Use the A D current, strong force. Place the N. P., long cord, upon the lower cervical vertebrae, and then treat, first, with the tongue instrument, P. P., in the mouth, as far back on the tongue as can be borne, three to five minutes. Next, manipul...
Use the A D current, moderate force. Give general tonic treatment; then place P. P. with the feet, in a vessel of warm water, or place the sponge-roll P. P. at the soles of the feet, and treat the affected parts a few minutes with N. P., to quicken ...
Treat exactly as in acute diarrh[oe]a, except that P. P. should be moved more over the colon and rectum than in diarrh[oe]a. ...
Dysmenorrhea Painful Menstruation
If the disease be occasioned by uterine displacement, obstructing the os uteri, the organ must be restored to its normal position. This can best be done by mechanical action. But it is most commonly occasioned by irritation of the mucus membrane lin...
This is one of the most difficult of diseases to control by any of the ordinary modes of medical practice; and yet, under judicious electrical treatment, it is one of the surest to yield. The disease assumes various phases in different persons, and ...
Enlargement Of Liver
Take A D current, with medium force. Place N. P., some three to five minutes, on left side, over the spleen; and then as much longer at the coccyx. Manipulate with P. P. over the liver. Treat about three times a week. If the enlargement be recent, i...
Enlargement Or Ossification Of The Heart
Treat these two affections in the same way. Take the A D current, moderate force. Place N. P. at the coccyx, or alternately there and, with long cord, on the spine opposite to the heart. Manipulate with P. P. over the heart. Treat five to eight minu...
Eruptive Cutaneous Diseases
Take A D current, pretty vigorous force in acute cases; mild in chronic affections. If the eruption be inflamed and acute, use long cord with N. P.; if sluggish and chronic, use long cord with P. P. Move the two electrodes parallel to each other, up...
Take the A. D. current, medium force, in all forms of the diseases. 1. When acute, and characterized by high inflammation, with bright, smooth swelling, and spreading gradually and sometimes rapidly to surrounding parts; or when small vesicles app...
General Tonic Treatment
Take the B D current, (A D is very good), of fair medium strength. Place the sponge-roll, N. P. [Negative Pole], at the coccyx--lowest point of spine--and manipulate with side-sponge cup, P. P. [Positive Pole], from the feet all over the lower limbs...
Haemorrhoids Piles
If the case be recent, take the B D current; if old, take A D. Place the patient in a recumbent position, and let the rectum instrument, P. P., be introduced, wet. Manipulate with N. P. along the spine upon the dorsal vertebrae. Where there is prola...
For healing wounds, burns, ulcers, irritation of mucous membranes, and cutaneous eruptions, the A D current is by far the best. Recent wounds, contusions and burns are electrically positive. Old ulcers and irritations are generally negative. DI...
Take B D current, strong force. Apply P. P. to the open blood-vessel, or as near to it as possible; placing N. P., long cord, to some adjacent part, and, as nearly as practicable, in the direction from which the blood chiefly comes. ...
Hepatitis Inflammation Of Liver
Use the B D current, with what force the patient can bear. Place N. P. at the coccyx, and also somewhat on the trunk, opposite to the inflammation. Then manipulate with P. P. over the inflamed and sore part. Treat five to eight minutes, once or twic...
Hepatization Of Lungs
Take A D current, pretty strong force. Treat in front, over the lungs, with P. P., moving N. P., long cord, on spine from neck to near the kidneys; that is, over all the dorsal vertebrae. If the current be severely painful, moderate it to endurance....
Take B D current, moderate force. Treat exactly as in spermatorrh[oe]a, except with reversed poles, using the long cord with P. P. Treat thrice a week. ...
Inflamed Eyes
If the disease be recent and acute, (but not infectious), as from sewing or reading by lamp light or other irritation, take the C D current, of moderate force. Treat with the eye-bath, filled with tepid water, having the eye open in the water. Make ...
Intermittent Fever Ague And Fever
Use the A D current. First, give general tonic treatment. (See page 95.) Then close the sitting with a strong current, running from spleen to liver--P. P. upon spleen, in the left side, just below the ribs, and N. P. upon liver--best reached in the ...
Leucorrhea Whites
Take A D current, very mild force. Introduce the vaginal electrode, N. P., until it meets the uterus, and manipulate with P. P. over the dorsal vertebrae five to eight minutes, three times a week. Once or twice a week, on the intervening days, give ...
Menorrhagia Excessive Menstruation
If the menstrual flow is apt to terminate in hemorrhage, it is best to give general tonic treatments, about three times a week, between the periods; and during the last four or five days before color is expected to appear, to take the B D current, m...
Nephritis Inflammation Of Kidneys
1. Acute. If the urinary secretion be reddish and scant, with or without sedimentary deposit, let the inflammation be regarded as acute; and use upon it the B D current of good medium strength, or a little more, if the patient can bear it. The pain ...
If the disease be general in the system, moving from place to place, or causing transient acute pains here and there, give general tonic treatment, three times a week, for several weeks--perhaps a month or two, provided the case be an old one. This ...
Neuralgia And Rheumatism Of The Heart
If neuralgia, use B D current; if rheumatism, use A D. In either case, treat the heart with P. P., moderate force, placing N. P. at lower dorsal or upper lumbar vertebrae. Treat five to eight minutes, daily, until relief is gained. Rheumatism of ...
Old Ulcers
Take the A D current. If torpid, treat with mild force. Treat the sore with N. P., while P. P. is held upon some healthy part, and usually at a higher point. Treat five to ten minutes, three or four times a week. If high inflammation be present, thi...
Palpitation Of The Heart
This is commonly a symptomatic or sympathetic affection--rarely idiopathic--and disappears on cure of the disease from which it proceeds. It usually denotes nervous weakness, and often general debility. General tonic treatment is indicated, as far a...
Take the B D current, medium force. If the paralysis be in a lower limb, place P. P., long cord, upon the lower lumbar vertebrae, so as to reach the hypogastric plexus, and treat with the metallic brush, N. P., five to eight minutes, over all the af...
Take B D current, forceful as the patient can bear, and treat briefly--say five to seven minutes, several times a day, until relief is experienced. Place N. P., long cord, low on back of neck, and move P. P. over all the upper part of the lungs. ...
Preliminary Remarks
The author wishes to caution the reader not to rely merely on the forms of treatment here prescribed, but to study thoroughly the principles taught in the preceding pages, until he shall have mastered them, and can judge for himself of the correctne...
Prolapsus Uteri Falling Of The Womb
Take the B D current, of good medium force, and give general tonic treatment (see page 95), on alternate days, ten minutes, passing briefly over the several parts. After this, treat five to eight minutes with uterine electrode, in the manner prescri...
Pulmonary Phthisis Consumption
After tubercles have been formed extensively in the lungs, and have softened down over considerable area, carrying down the pulmonary tissue with them into a state of pus, there is commonly but little hope of successful treatment. But where they are...
Recent Wounds Contusions And Burns
Use the B D current, strong force as can be borne. Bring the lesion under P. P., and place N. P. at discretion, in view of the location of the injury. Treat five to eight minutes, twice or thrice on the same day. Unless the injury is very severe, no...
Renal Calculi Gravel In The Kidneys
Take the A C current, of considerable force. Place N. P. low upon the bladder, and treat with P. P. upon the inflamed and painful point five to eight minutes, once or twice a day. If treating twice a day, continue not more than five minutes at a tim...
Rheumatism Acute Inflammatory
First ascertain if the kidneys be morbidly positive--urine scant and too highly colored. If so, as is commonly the case, begin with the B D current, good medium force. Place N. P. at the pelvis, and treat over the kidneys with P. P. some three or fo...
Rheumatism Chronic
Use the A D current always in rheumatic affections. If there be no visible inflammation or swelling in the diseased parts, approach such parts in the same manner as in acute inflammatory rheumatism, except with reversed poles. The parts affected req...
This is neuralgia in an ischiatic nerve, commonly the great ischiatic. Use the B D current, strong as the patient can well bear. Place the foot in warm water with N. P., or place the sponge-roll N. P. at the sole of the foot, (the former is the be...
The points to be gained are, to reduce the action of the amatorial organs of the brain and the secretion of the testes, and to contract and strengthen the tissue of the seminal vesicles and the prostrate gland. Take the B D current. First, treat ...
Strabismus Discordance Of The Eyes
If neither of the rectus muscles have been cut and cicatrized, and if the deformity be not congenital, it may ordinarily be cured. Take B D current, with small pointed electrodes. If the eye be turned inward, insert P. P. in the outer angle of the...
This is substantially the same thing as trismus, except that it extends to other parts, and often to nearly all the muscles of the organism. Under ordinary treatment, it is almost invariably fatal. I am not aware that it has been sufficiently submit...
Torpid Liver
Take A D or B D current, full medium force. Treat with N. P. over the liver, at the right side, immediately below the short ribs, and thence backward and a little upward, as far as to the spine, holding P. P. on the left side, close under the ribs, ...
Trismus Lockjaw
For traumatic trismus, use the B D current, of vigorous force. Let the wound be kept open and clear, except that soothing emollients may be applied. Place N. P. at the coccyx, or near it on the spine; and then treat, by firm but momentary touches of...