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First Principles
Dr Jerome Kidder's Electro-magnetic Machine
On opening the machine-box, as it comes from the manufacturer, there will be found a glass bottle, intended to hold the battery fluid when not in use; a glass cup or jar, to serve as the battery cell; a pair of insulated metallic conducting cords; t...
Electrical Classification Of Diseases
There are two, and only two, primary classes of disease--those in which the electro-vital force is abnormally positive, and those where it is preternaturally negative. The former class comprises every variety and phase of hypersthenia, and the latte...
Extent Of Electric Agency
When we have settled upon the position that the electricity of the heavens and of the artificial machine are identical, and that their identity is essentially one with galvanism, magnetism, the electro-vital fluid of animal and the life-force of the...
Modifications Of Electricity
In the present stage of electric science, the conviction has become very general among experimenters that galvanism, magnetism, faradism, frictional electricity and the electricity of the storm-cloud are, in their essential nature, one and the same;...
Natural Polarization Of Man's Physical Organism
The electro-vital fluid, in the animal economy, is subject to the same principles of polarization as the magnetic current from the artificial machine, or the magnetism of the bar-magnet. In the material organism of man, the great nerve-centers--the ...
It may be proper, in this place, to spend a few words upon electrical polarization in general. Electrical polarity may be defined as a characteristic of the electric or magnetic fluid, by virtue of which its opposite qualities, as those of attrac...
Polarization Of The Circuit
I have said, in effect, a little above, that, while the current is running, the entire circuit is one complete magnet, which extends from the inner or positive sides of the zinc plates, where the current commences, all the way around to the outer or...
The Central Point Of The Circuit
The central point of the circuit--that point which divides between its positive and negative halves--is reckoned, in practice, to be the midway point in the line over which the current passes, in its whole course from the positive post around to the...
The Current
The current is that moving electric essence which traverses the circuit. The course of the current is always from the positive to the negative. It leaves the machine at the positive post, where it enters the cord which holds the positive electrode o...
The Electric Circuit
The Electric Circuit is made up of any thing and every thing which serves to conduct the electric current in its passage--outward and returning--from where it leaves the inner surfaces of the zinc plates in the battery cell to where it comes back ag...
The Lower Animals
It may, by some, be objected that, if we regard sensation as existing only in the mind, as affirmed above, then we must concede mind to the lower animal tribes, since they are subjects of consciousness, sensation and will, as truly as ourselves. I a...
The Vegetable Kingdom
As to the vegetable kingdom, there is here, so far as we can discover, only a duality of principle, viz: the material body and a modified phase of electro-vitality. These component parts appear to sustain to each other, in the vegetable, relations q...
Theory Of Man
Let the question now be raised--What is man? The answer will have much to do with the remedial system which I aim to teach. For this reason it is thus early introduced. My answer to the above question is as follows: Man is a threefold being, comp...
Vital Forces Animal And Vegetable
Upon these points I must be permitted to offer a few words. Of the animal kingdom, I regard the "nervous fluid" or "nervous influence," popularly so called, as being the very principle of animal vitalization--the life force; and that, a modificati...