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Sources: Papers On Health

Where persistent weariness is felt, and the least exertion

brings on a feeling of lassitude, there is evidently an undue

exhaustion of nerve force in the body. Too rapid action of the heart is

a frequent cause. In such a case all exciting ideas and influences

should be kept from the patient's mind, and rest taken. The heart's

action should also be reduced by careful lathering with soap (see

Lather; Soap). Where the wea
iness is really serious, great care must

be exercised, and treatment very gradually administered. Rest must be

given whenever exhaustion shows itself (see Heat and Weakness;

Weakness; and articles on Nerves and Nervousness). Where the heart's

action is very slow, and requires to be stimulated, REST (see) must

be taken, and treatment given as recommended in the case elsewhere.

See Depression.

In other cases we find weariness arising from an irritated state of the

stomach. Where there is no particular nerve exhaustion, the fiery and

inflamed state of the stomach membranes forbids sleep, and causes a

great feeling of tiredness. Headache (see), and even fainting fits,

sometimes come on in such a case. All the nerves are excited, so that

even touching the head or skin is most painful. Yet all can be traced

to an inflamed stomach as the cause. Such a case, to be successfully

treated, requires considerable resolution. In one case the treatment

was as follows: First, the feet and legs up to the knees were wrapped

in a large FOMENTATION (see). A cold wet towel was then folded

lengthwise so as to be four-ply thick. The end was laid on the stomach,

and gently pressed. In about half-a-minute it was hot. The towel was

then shifted so that a fresh cool part lay over the stomach, and so on

throughout the length of the towel. Handfuls of finely-wrought soap

LATHER (see) were then prepared and laid on the stomach. Then the

cold cloth was again renewed on top of the lather. For two hours this

was continued, and by that time the worst symptoms had abated. A little

fresh oil gently rubbed over the stomach completed the treatment for

that time. When the heat again arose, the same treatment was repeated,

and so on till a cure was effected. Five or ten minutes' cooling would

have been utterly useless. The heat evolved in the stomach required two

hours steady cooling, and might have required more. The feelings of the

patient are ever the best guide in such a case. As long as the cooling

feels "delightful" it may safely be continued, if the heat to the feet

is kept up.

If the weakness is very great, it may be necessary to keep to milk and

hot water, such as an infant would thrive on, for a short time. If the

weakness is not so great, it will be possible for the patient to take a

little gruel or porridge made from wheaten meal, and also good fresh

buttermilk. The stomach may be far from ready to take eggs and such

things, but quite able to digest the "poorer" food, as it is often

called. To give the really weak as perfect rest of mind and as easily

digested food as possible, are conditions that must not be overlooked

if we would be successful in their cure.

