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Sources: Papers On Health

There is a common and very popular error, namely, that of

putting too much clothing on our bodies, under the mistaken idea that

additional weight means additional warmth. The fact that the main

object of clothing is to preserve the natural heat of the body is lost

sight of, and little attention is paid to the selection of proper

garments for wearing next the skin. Every day the skin of an average

healthy individual giv
s off so many pints of moisture, which must not

be allowed to settle on the body if health is to be maintained. After

long and exhaustive trials, we have come to the conclusion that the

best material for wearing next the skin is knitted linen, and the best

knitted linen of the kind, and in fact, the only pure linen mesh

material which we have seen, is known as Kneipp linen, and can be

obtained from all leading retailers and outfitters in this and other

countries. The name of the nearest agent may be had by sending a card

to the Kneipp Linen Warehouse, 2 Milk St., London, E.C. In winter light

woollen underwear can be worn over the linen if desired, thus retaining

the hygienic advantages of the linen, as well as the warmth of the

wool. As the wool does not touch the skin, it will not require frequent

washing, and so will not become felted up.

Linen is the symbol of cleanliness, the priests of old, as we read in

Ezekiel, being commanded to wear it, and not wool or any garment

causing sweat.

Our reason for specially naming Kneipp linen is that we know it is

pure linen, whereas we know that what is sold as linen mesh is

frequently half linen and half cotton.

Linen is the most absorbent material for underwear. It soaks up

moisture very rapidly, and dries with equal rapidity. Hence linen is

always preferred for towels and bandages. Those who use it for

underwear will not require to change the clothes after exercise, as

they would if wool were worn next the skin. The ordinary woven linen is

clean but cold: Kneipp linen is so constructed as to be clean and warm.

This material retains air in its meshes, and a layer of dry air next

the body is the best method of preserving an even temperature, and thus

avoiding colds and chills, which are so prevalent in a climate such as

ours. Wool is entirely unsuited for wearing next the skin. It does not

absorb the perspiration rapidly nor radiate it freely, and after

several washings it becomes felted, and in that condition is absolutely

injurious to health. It is the material par excellence for outer

clothing, but all inner garments coming in contact with the body should

be composed of pure linen. (See Skin, Care of).

