Origanum Majorana
NAT. ORD., Labiatae.
COMMON NAME, Sweet Marjoram.
PREPARATION.--The whole plant without the root, gathered when in flower,
is macerated in two times its weight of alcohol.
(A treatise on the "Sexual Passion," by the late Dr.
Gallavardin, Lyons, France, contains this item on
The person who discovered a remedy that in a certain
sense may be
considered as a specific against sexual passion was a clergyman of
Mizza, the founder of an orphan asylum. This remedy is Origanum
majorana (or common marjoram), which proves effective in masturbation
and in excessively-aroused sexual impulses. The author uses it in the
4th dilution, as he has not found the higher potencies effective. He
dissolves five or six globules of this dilution in four teaspoonfuls of
fresh water, and the young masturbator takes of this every two days, a
quarter of an hour before the meal, one teaspoonful. If the cure is not
accomplished eight days after this solution is used up, the same dose is
repeated in the same way. When desired, this remedy can be used,
according to the author, without the knowledge of the patient, by
pouring a teaspoonful into the soup, milk or chocolate.
The effect frequently appears very rapidly, but sometimes it does not