ORIGIN--A chemical compound procured from coal, alcohol, ether vapor,
PREPARATION.--Trituration of the pure naphthalin.
(Two clinical cases illustrating the use of Naphthalin.
The first is by Dr. W. L. Hartman, in Transaction of the
Homoeopathic Medical Society of New York, 1896.)
In treating children we are often disappointed in our results; in making
prescriptions we think we have just the right thing in the right place,
but when we come to see our case again we are confronted with the same
condition that we had before. We may say the same in adults, but not so
often. In whooping cough in the very young who are unable to tell us how
they feel we must rely on what the mother may tell us; but how often do
we find mothers who cannot tell their own symptoms, let alone those of
their children? Now, what do we do? Sit and look wise and guess at our
prescriptions while we hear the little fellow coughing, in fact trying
to cough his head off and at the same time lose his breath.
Well, now while you are thinking and looking wise in this case, just
think of Naphthalin and give a tablet triturate of the 1x every two
hours, and when you are consulted the next time you will not be annoyed
with the dreadful choking spell. Now in prescribing this remedy it is
not necessary to wait until the child chokes to death with the cough,
but give it from the first and you will be surprised how it will cut the
disease short. I do not know as I have ever given this remedy without
receiving benefit, and in many cases it was unnecessary to give any
other remedy to cure the case; if it is, Drosera will follow best.
The grand characteristic of this remedy is long and continued paroxysms
of coughing, unable to get a respiration, sometimes so violent as to
cause perspiration.
This remedy is not only good in whooping cough, but in any condition
where you get the above symptoms Naphthalin will cure your case just
the same. Now my experience with this remedy where I have prescribed
above the 1x has been very unsatisfactory, so, of late, I only use the
one potency.
(The other by Dr. W. A. Weaver in Hahnemannian Monthly,
My experience with Naphthalin in whooping cough is as yet limited, but
the results obtained have very much exceeded other remedies and I wish
to cite a few cases in which the alleviation of the symptoms was soon
CASE I.--Francis----, a boy of 9 months, with a severe bronchitis as a
complication. The breathing was labored. The respiratory murmur was
feeble and a large number of sibilant and sonorous rales were heard,
when I was called to see the case. The child had become emaciated, had a
cyanotic appearance, was unable to retain food for any length of time,
because of the frequent paroxysms accompanied by vomiting, and was very
much exhausted. Later, the moist rales became very prominent over the
entire chest. The paroxysms were of great length, and accompanying was a
free discharge of thick, tenacious mucus from the nose and mouth. Many
of the favorite remedies employed in this disease were prescribed, but
with little effect. Naphthalin was then given, four or five drops of
the tincture in one-half glass of water. In a short time the paroxysms
were lessened in severity and frequency, the expectoration was freer,
the number of rales were lessened, and shortly convalescence was well
CASE II.--John----, 3-1/2 years, with an accompanying bronchitis.
Symptoms worse at night. Paroxysms very long and severe; would hold his
head to relieve the pain from coughing. Great difficulty experienced in
breathing. A number of rales heard over portion of the chest, with
little expectoration. After Naphthalin had been given for a short time
improvement began, and terminated without further complications.
CASE III.--Patrick----, a man 23 years of age, large physique and
healthy appearance, contracted pertussis from other members of the
family, and, although not accompanied by the whoop, the paroxysms were
very severe. They were not frequent during the day but many during the
night. He would wake the entire house by coughing and would become
purple in the face. He had been suffering a week or two before I saw
him. I prescribed Drosera, Corrallium rub., Ipecac and
Hyoscyamus, without appreciable improvement. He gradually grew worse
until Naphthalin 1x in pellets was given. The spasmodic condition was
relieved very shortly, and although the cough remained for a short time
it never became severe and soon entirely disappeared.