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PREPARATION.--The dried thyroid gland of the sheep is triturated in the

usual way or an extract may be prepared from the fresh gland.

(The following paper on the effects of Thyroid was

written by Dr. F. G. OEhme, Roseburg, Oregon:)

The Thyroid, especially if used continually or in large doses,

causes the following symptoms:

1. Elevation of the temperature.

2. Increase of the heart's action and of the frequency and volume of the

pulse, which, however, is more compressible. Walking, even standing,

after taking a dose is apt to cause a feeling of faintness and even

complete syncope. The heart may become so weak that it cannot endure any

overexertion without danger, even death may result.

3. Shortness of breath.

4. Increase or decrease of appetite, sometimes nausea, less frequently

vomiting, still less diarrhoea.

5. Improvement in body nutrition generally, more complete absorption of

nitrogenous food. But later on nitrogen is excreted in excess of that

taken in the food.

6. Loss of weight.

7. Increase of sexual desire.

8. Menses profuse, prolonged or more frequent, rarely amenorrhoea.

9. Increased activity of the mucous membrane, kidneys and skin, which

becomes moist and oily, sometimes exfoliation of the epidermis.

10. Rapid growth of the skeleton in the young with softening and bending

of those bones which have to bear weight.

11. A disease closely resembling exophthalmic goitre. A cataleptic

improved under large doses of Thyroid, but when the dose of 75 grs. a

day was reached symptoms like those of exophthalmic goitre developed

with a pulse of 160, but no glandular swelling. When the Thyroid was

discontinued the catalepsy grew worse, the exophthalmic goitre better;

when resumed the catalepsy better, the exophthalmic goitre worse.

A patient, while under Thyroid treatment for myxoedema, took,

through a misunderstanding, in eleven days nearly 3 ounces of the

dessicated Thyroid, whereupon tachycardia, pyrexia, insomnia, tremor

of the limbs, polyuria, albuminuria, and glucosuria, in short, a disease

similar to exophthalmic goitre developed.

Thyroid has been used with benefit in the following diseases:

1. Arrested development in children, cretinism, idiotism.

2. Myxoedema. [The extirpation of the entire Thyroid produces a

disease resembling myxoedema.]

3. Simple goitre.

4. Excessive obesity with tendency to weakness and anaemia.

5. Melancholia functional insanity, where improvement has taken place up

to a certain point and then remains so.

6. Defective secretion of milk during lactation when connected with

reappearance of menses. Thyroid will suppress the latter and increase

and enrich the milk.

7. In fractures of the bones in which consolidation does not promptly


8. Hypertrophy of cicatricial tissue resembling keloid, possibly true


Doses: Either the fresh gland of the sheep prepared like food or the

extract, or in the dessicated state, of the latter may be given from 2-3

grs., or more or less, once a day (at night) or oftener.

The Thyroid is contra-indicated in tuberculous persons, as they are

apt to lose quickly in weight, over two pounds in twenty-four hours.

Rheumatic and anaemic symptoms are more frequently aggravated than


As the Thyroid is a powerful remedy, the following should be always


There is a decided difference with regard to individual toleration, some

are very susceptible.

The pulse should be watched regarding frequency and quality. The least

effort or exertion will increase it even to 160, hence some cases should

be kept in bed or at least very quiet and tranquil even for a time after

the remedy has been discontinued. Deaths have taken place after a few

days' treatment.

If Thyroid is not taken for myxoedema the patient should be weighed

at least every two weeks, and if pathogenetic symptoms, called

thyroidism, appear the remedy should be discontinued or reduced.

If softening of the bones has been caused it may be necessary to

restrict the use of the legs or to use splints.

Thyroid seems to have a cumulative effect.

In many cases a liberal diet should be prescribed to avoid injurious


