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Relieves pain.
Anaemia, or Anemia
This may be defined as a reduction of the amount of blood as a whole or of its corpuscles, or of certain of its more important constituents, such as albumin and haemoglobin. Primary or essential anemia includes chlorosis and pernicious anemia; secondary...
Anatomy of the Female Genital Organs
The external genital organs, to which the term vulva is usually given, consist of the mons veneris, labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, vestibule, meatus urinarius, hymen, fossa navicularis, fourchette and perineum. ...
This disease is a diminution of the total quantity of the blood of its red cells, or red corpuscles or of their Haemoglobin, the coloring matter of the red corpuscles. Some difficulty of breathing. Palpitation on least exertion, tendency to faint, heada...
A light supper before retiring, like hot milk, broths, milk punch, etc., will very frequently promote sleep by removing the cause and quickening the circulation. Give nutritious, easy food to digest. The baths are not so valuable for this kind of insomn...
Acrid poisonous compound containing two lactone groups; obtained from plants of the genus Anemone and genus Ranunculus, containing the buttercups. ...
This is a local dilatation of an artery. A local tumor. Treatment. Absolute rest, restrict fluids. There is always danger from rupture. ...
Aneurysm (aneurism)
Localized, blood-filled dilatation of a blood vessel caused by disease or weakening of the vessel wall. ...
True angina, which is a rare disease, is characterized by paroxysms of agonizing pain in the region of the heart, extending into the arms and neck. In violent attacks there is the sensation of impending death. Usually during the exertion and excitement,...
Cactus 2X dilution. Spigelia 3X dil. Arsenicum 3X trit. (tablet form). ...
ANIDROSIS. (Lessened Sweat Secretion)
This means a diminution of the sweat secretion. The patient does not sweat enough, especially in certain skin diseases like psoriasis, etc. Treatment. Hot water, vapor baths, friction, massage, etc., should be used to increase the sweat secretion. Tr...
Strong criticism. Critical or censorious remark: anise Aromatic Mediterranean herb (Pimpinella anisum) in the parsley family, cultivated for its seed-like fruits and the oil; used to flavor foods, liqueurs, and candies. ...
Relieves pain. ...
One ounce each of white wax and spermaceti; two ounces each of lanolin and cocoanut oil and four ounces of sweet almond oil. Melt in a double-boiler or a bowl set in hot water, and stir in two ounces of orange flower water and thirty drops of tincture o...
ANTHRAX. (Charbon, Wool Sorters' Disease, Splenic Fever)
This is "an acute infectious disease of animals, transmitted to man by inoculation into the wounds, or by inhalation of, or swallowing the germs." Butchers, tanners and shepherds are most liable to it. The exciting cause is the bacillus anthracis (anth...
Podophyllum 3 ounces Aloes, powdered 1/2 ounce Extract Colocynth compound, powdered 1/2 ounce Croton Oil 1 dram Oil of Sassafras ...
ANTIMONY. Symptoms
Metallic taste, violent vomiting, becoming bloody, feeble pulse; pain and burning in the stomach. Violent watery purging, becoming bloody; cramps in the extremities, thirst, great weakness; sometimes prostration, collapse, unconsciousness. Antidotes....
Antipyrine (antipyrin, Phenazone)
Analgesic and antipyretic (reduces fever) C11H12N2O formerly used, but now largely replaced by less toxic drugs such as aspirin. ...
Cavity or chamber, especially in a bone. Sinus in the bones of the upper jaw, opening into the nasal cavity. ...
any further information in my power
Jer. Hess, M. D., in Med. World. Arsenic 2 ounces Sulphur 2 ounces Zinc Sulphate 2 ounces Rochelle Salts 2 ounces Of each equal parts; add yolk of one egg, till of the consistence of paste; bake with slow he...
The valves are not doing their work thoroughly. Symptoms. They are often long absent; headache, dizziness, faintness, flashes of light, difficult breathing, and palpitation on exertion, and pain in the heart region may occur early. The pain may be du...
A partial or total inability to express thoughts in words or to interpret perceptions. Varieties. Motor and sensory aphasia. Causes. Softening of the brain, tumors of the brain, lesions in syphilis especially, hemorrhage in the brain, blows on the ...
APHTHAE (Thrush) in Children
l Mercurius sol. 3X trit. (tablet form). Indicated when it extends downward and produces diarrhea. Give one tablet every four hours for a few days. 2. Arsenicum 3X trit. (tablet form). Give one tablet every two to four hours, when the parts look blui...