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Categories: Digestive Organs

This is simply a symptom; many diseases cause it, as scarlet
fever, tuberculosis, meningitis, acute dyspepsia, biliousness, chronic

dyspepsia, indigestion, neuralgia of the bowels, appendicitis, ulcer and

cancer of the stomach, pregnancy, etc. Many persons with dyspepsia vomit

their food.

MOTHERS' REMEDIES for Vomiting. 1. Spice Poultice to Stop. "Make a

poultice of one-half cup of flour and one teaspoonful of e
ch kind of

ground spice, wet with alcohol or whisky. Apply over the stomach." This

acts as a counter irritant and has the same action on the system as a

mustard plaster, only not so severe and can be left on for hours, as there

need be no fear of blistering. This kind of a poultice should always be

used when it is necessary to leave one on any length of time.

2. Vomiting, Mustard Plaster to Stop. "Plaster of mustard on pit of

stomach." Be very careful not to allow the plaster to remain on too long,

as it will blister, and this would be worse to contend with than the


3. Vomiting, Parched Corn Drink to Stop. "Take field corn and parch it as

brown as you can get it without burning. When parched throw in boiling

water and drink the water as often as necessary until vomiting is


4. Vomiting, Peppermint Leaves Application for. "Bruise peppermint leaves

and apply to the stomach." This can be found in any drug store in a powder

form, and is easily prepared by crushing the leaves and applying to the

stomach. If you have the essence of peppermint in the house, that will

answer about the same purpose taken internally and rubbed over abdomen.

5. Vomiting, to Produce, Mustard and Water for. "To produce vomiting take

two tablespoonfuls dry mustard, throw luke warm water over it and let

stand a minute, then drink." This is an old, tried remedy that we all know


6. Vomiting, to Produce, Warm Water for. "Drink a quart of warm water and

you will easily find relief at once." The warm water remedy is very good

as the water helps the patient by removing all decomposed food.

