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A Newly Discovered System Of Electrical Medication
Treat exactly as in acute diarrh[oe]a, except that P. P. should be
moved more over the colon and rectum than in diarrh[oe]a.
During And After Desquamation The Treatment Should Be Continued As
Disorders Of Muscles And Bones
The Muscles and Bones Have Few Diseases. Considering how complex it is, and the never-ceasing strain upon it, this moving apparatus of ours, the nerve-bone-muscle-machine, is surprisingly free from disease. The muscles, though they form nearly half ...
Distinctive Use Of Each Pole
I have said that every disease is preternaturally either positive or negative. I have further said, that the application of either pole to a given part produces an effect the opposite of what would be produced in the same part by a reversal of the p...
Disturbances Of The Heart In General
Of prime importance in the treatment of diseases of the heart is a determination of the exact, or at least approximately exact, condition of its structures and a determination of its ability to work. This is not the place to describe its anatom...
Diverticulum Of The Esophagus
Diverticula may, and usually do, consist in a pouching by herniation, of the whole thickness of the esophageal wall; or they may be herniations of the mucosa between the muscular layers. They are classified according to their etiology, as traction a...
Division Of The Process Of The Disease Into Periods
Its course is commonly divided into four distinct periods, viz.: the period of incubation, the period of eruption, the period of efflorescence, and the period of desquamation; to which may be added: the period of convalescence. ...
Do Not Hurry
HOW can any one do anything well while in a constant state of rush? How can any one see anything clearly while in a constant state of rush? How can any one expect to keep healthy and strong while in a constant state of rush? But most of m...
Don't Talk
THERE is more nervous energy wasted, more nervous strain generated, more real physical harm done by superfluous talking than any one knows, or than any one could possibly believe who had not studied it. I am not considering the harm done by ...
Dr Jerome Kidder's Electro-magnetic Machine
On opening the machine-box, as it comes from the manufacturer, there will be found a glass bottle, intended to hold the battery fluid when not in use; a glass cup or jar, to serve as the battery cell; a pair of insulated metallic conducting cords; t...
Dripping Sheet Substitute For The Half-bath
To apply the _dripping sheet_, a tin bathing hat or a large wash-tub is placed near the patient's bed, and a pail of water on the brim of the hat, or close by the tub. Dip a linen sheet into it, and leave it there till you wish to take the patient o...
Use the A D current, moderate force. Give general tonic treatment; then place P. P. with the feet, in a vessel of warm water, or place the sponge-roll P. P. at the soles of the feet, and treat the affected parts a few minutes with N. P., to quicken ...
Drugs In Hypertension
The drugs that are mostly used to lower blood pressure are nitrites or drugs which are like nitrites, and these are nitroglycerin, sodium nitrite, erythroltetra nitrate and amyl nitrite, and the frequency of their use is in the order named. Other dr...
During And After Desquamation The Treatment Should Be Continued As
indicated in milder cases, except the throat continue troublesome, when more packs should be used. If the throat is well, the patient may leave his room by the sixteenth day, under the precautions given above. ...
Treat exactly as in acute diarrh[oe]a, except that P. P. should be moved more over the colon and rectum than in diarrh[oe]a. ...
This disease is caused by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the colon and rectum, (the large intestine) generally confined to the lower part of the bowel. It is always painful. There is griping and straining in the lower part of the abdomen, an...
Dysmenorrhea Painful Menstruation
If the disease be occasioned by uterine displacement, obstructing the os uteri, the organ must be restored to its normal position. This can best be done by mechanical action. But it is most commonly occasioned by irritation of the mucus membrane lin...
Dysmenorrhoea - Painful Menstruation
For this disorder, I know of no one remedy so valuable as the _Caulophyllin_, but _Pulsatilla_ in many cases is efficacious, and as they do not prevent each other's action, I prescribe them in alternation, giving a dose every half hour, for a short ...
This is one of the most difficult of diseases to control by any of the ordinary modes of medical practice; and yet, under judicious electrical treatment, it is one of the surest to yield. The disease assumes various phases in different persons, and ...
This term is applied so loosely and so indiscriminately to all chronic derangements of the stomach, that it is difficult to define it. I shall therefore point out some of the more common ailments of the stomach and their proper remedies. For sour...
Earache - Otalgia
This may arise from various causes, but a common one is sudden cold. If it arises from cold, and there is general fever, or if the ear is red, or the side of the head and ear hot, _Bell._ and _Baptisia_ should be given in alternation, every hour, or...
Early Symptoms Of Irritating Foreign Body Such As A Peanut Kernel In The Bronchus
1. Initial laryngeal spasm is almost invariably present with foreign bodies of organic nature, such as nut kernels, peas, beans, maize, etc. 2. A diffuse purulent laryngo-tracheo-bronchitis develops within 24 hours in children under 2 years. ...
Edematous Tracheobronchitis
This is chiefly observed in children. The most frequently encountered form is the epidemic disease to which the name Influenza has been given (q.v. supra). The only noticeable difference between the epidemic and the sporadic cases is in the more ge...
Electrical Classification Of Diseases
There are two, and only two, primary classes of disease--those in which the electro-vital force is abnormally positive, and those where it is preternaturally negative. The former class comprises every variety and phase of hypersthenia, and the latte...
5. Cardiac Emergency Drugs.--Besides some of the drugs already mentioned (such as camphor hypodermically, nitroglycerin when indicated, strophanthin hypodermically or intravenously, caffein and strychnin), often ergot, suprarenal vasopressor princip...
Emergency Tracheotomy
Stabbing of the cricothyroid membrane, or an attempted stabbing of the trachea, so long taught as an emergency tracheotomy, is a mistake. The author's two stage, finger guided method is safer, quicker, more efficient, and not likely to be followed ...