Earache - Otalgia
An Epitome Of Homeopathic Healing Art
This may arise from various causes, but a common one is sudden cold. If
it arises from cold, and there is general fever, or if the ear is red,
or the side of the head and ear hot, _Bell._ and _Baptisia_ should be
given in alternation, every hour, or in a violent case, more frequently.
These remedies will soon relieve such cases. Cloths wrung out of hot
water should be laid over the ear, or the side of the head steamed, or
it may be laid into water quite warm, with good effect.
Where the disease is a chronic affection, and the patient is subject to
frequent attacks of pain in the ear, especially on a change of the
weather, from dry to moist, _Mercurius_ is the proper remedy, especially
if it is worse at night, when warm in bed.
If it arises from a shock or blow, _Arn_. is to be used. In scrofulous
persons, whether there is ulceration or not, _Phosphorus_ and
_Pulsatilla_ are the remedies.
Children and even adults, not unfrequently suffer from earache, without
any known cause sufficient to account for it. On examination into the
ear you will often find either the cavity filled or nearly so, with a
hard black substance, (the inspissated "earwax") almost as hard as horn,
or else the ear will be quite empty, and the sides of the cavity _dry_
and red, though perhaps not properly in a state of inflammation.
The natural condition of the cavity as it can be seen by straining the
ear outwards and backwards a little in a strong sun light, is moist, the
surface covered slightly with a yellowish, greasy, soft substance (the
cerumen) "earwax." When this is wanting or in excess, or its character
changed, it is evidence of disease, and pain is likely to occur. The
for this condition is to remove the accumulation when that exists, as
the first step. But this must be first softened by pouring some warm
oil, pure olive oil, or good pure sperm oil, into the ear, and repeat it
two or three times a day for several days, until it is so far softened
as to be easily removed with the probe end of common small tweezers,
having a spoon-bowl point.
When there is dryness, moisten the surface with oil. In either case, it
is best, for a while, to protect the delicate surface from the air, by
putting oiled wool into the external ear.
If the ear was filled, give _Mercurius_ once a day until there appears a
natural secretion. If dry, use _Belladonna_.