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From The Hygienic Dictionary

Categories: Diet and Nutrition
Sources: How And When To Be Your Own Doctor

Food. [1] Life is a tragedy of nutrition. In food lies 99.99% of the

causes of all diseases and imperfect health of any kind. _Prof.

Arnold Ehret, Mucusless Diet Healing System._ [2] But elimination

will never heal perfectly just so long as you fail to discontinue

the supply of inside waste caused by eating and "wrong" eating. You

may clean and continue to clean indefinitely, but never with

complete results
up to a perfect cleanliness, as long as the intake

of wrong or even too much right foods, is not stopped._ Prof. Arnold

Ehret, Mucusless Diet Healing System._ [3] Cooked food favors

bacterial, or organized, ferment preponderance, because cooking

kills the unorganized and organized ferments, and both are needed to

carry on the body's digestion. Raw foods--fruits and vegetables--favor

unorganized ferment digestion, because these foods carry vitamins,

which are unorganized ferments--enzymes. _Dr. John. H. Tilden,

Impaired Health: Its Cause and Cure, 1921._

Recently, my younger (adult) daughter asked my advice choosing

between a root canal or having a bridge made. This led to a

discussion of her eating habits in general. Defending her currently

less-than-optimum diet against my gentle criticism, she threw me a

tough riposte. "Why," she asked, when I was raised so perfectly as a

child, "when I ate only Organic food until I was ten and old enough

to make you send me to public school where I could eat those lousy

school lunches" (her unfeeling, heartless mother home-schooled her),

"why even at that young age, (before she spent her adolescent

rebellion eating junk food) why at that point did I still have a

mouthful of cavities?" And she did. At age ten my daughter needed

about ten fillings.

This beautiful daughter of a practicing naturopath had received

what, at the time, I considered virtually perfect nutrition. She

suckled hugely at her mother's abundant breast until age two. During

this time her mother ate a natural foods diet. After weaning my

daughter got only whole grains, a little fresh goat's milk from my

goat, fruits and lots of Organic vegetables. I started my spa when

my daughter was about five years old and from that point she was,

like it or not, a raw fooder. And all that raw food was Organic and

much of it from Great Oaks School's huge vegetable garden.

For my daughter to develop cavities on this diet is reminiscent of

Woody Allen's joke in his movie "Sleeper." Do you recall this one,

made about 1973? The plot is a take off on Rip Van Winkle. Woody

goes into the hospital for minor surgery. Unexpectedly he expires on

the operating table and his body is frozen in hopes that someday he

can be revived. One hundred and fifty years later he is revived.

The priceless scene I always think of takes place in his hospital

room immediately after he comes to consciousness. The doctor in

charge of his case is explaining to Woody what has happened. Woody

refuses to believe he died and was frozen, asserting that the whole

story is a put on. Woody insists that the 'doctor' is clearly an

actor hired by his friends! It absolutely can't be the year 2123.

'Oh, but it really is 2123,' insists the doctor. 'And it is no put

on by his friends; all his friends are long dead; Woody knows no one

at all in 2123 and had better prepare himself to start a new life.'

Woody still insists it is a put on. "I had a healthfood store," he

says, "and all my friends ate brown rice. They can't be dead!"

And my perfectly nourished daughter couldn't have developed

cavities! But she did. And if she cheated on her perfect diet, bad

food could not have amounted to more than two percent of her total

caloric intake from birth to age ten. I was a responsible mom and I

made sure she ate right! Now my daughter was demanding to know why

she had tooth decay. Fortunately, I now know the answer. The answer

is rather complex, but I can give a simplified explanation.

