Removal Of Growth From The Laryngeal Ventricle
A Manual Of Peroral Endoscopy And Laryngeal Surgery
After exposing
the larynx in the usual manner, if the head is turned strongly to the
right, the tip of the laryngoscope, directed from the right side of
the mouth, may be used to lift the left ventricular hand and thus
expose the ventricle, from which a growth may be removed in the usual
manner (Fig. 57). The right ventricle is exposed by working from the
left side of the mouth.
[FIG. 57.-Sch
ma illustrating the lateral method of exposing a growth
in the ventricle of Morgagni, by bending the patient's head to the
opposite side, while the second assistant externally fixes the larynx
with his hand. M, Patient's mouth; T, thyroid cartilage; R, right
side; L, left. V, B, ventricular band. C, C, vocal cord. The circular
drawing indicates the endoscopic view obtainable by this method. The
tube, E, is dropped to the corner of the mouth, B, and the tube is
inserted down to R. The lip of the spatula can then be used to lift
the ventricular band so as to expose more of the ventricle. The
drawing shows an unusually shallow ventricle.]