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Mother's Diagnosis
Child wakes up suddenly, perhaps at midnight, with a harsh barking
cough, with difficulty of breathing, and it looks as if it could not get
another breath. Then there is an easy spell and soon the spasm recurs.
Croton Oil
Hydrochlorate Ammonia 1 dram Syrup Pruni Virginani 1 ounce Syrup Squills 1 ounce Tincture Opii Camphor 1/2 ounce Syrup Tolu 1/2 ounce Syrup Rock Candy to make 4 ounces Mix. Dose...
Coughs and Colds, Mullein Remedy
"Steep Mullein leaves in fresh milk. Drink of it just before going to bed. This makes a soothing drink." ...
Causes. There are many causes; inflammation of the larynx, bronchial tubes, lungs, also stomach and liver; and a nervous cough is present in our day. Remove the cause when possible. There are many good cough medicines now put up, and they can be bought...
Cramps, Turpentine for
"A cloth dipped in turpentine and applied will relieve cramps in the limbs," Any one suffering with this difficulty will find the above treatment very beneficial. ...
Cranesbill (geranium, Storksbill)
Plants of the genus Geranium, with pink or purplish flowers. Various plants of the genus Pelargonium, native chiefly to southern Africa and widely cultivated for their rounded and showy clusters of red, pink, or white flowers. ...
Cream Of Tartar
Potassium bitartrate. White, acid, crystalline solid or powder, KHC4H4O6, used in baking powder, in the tinning of metals, and as a laxative. ...
CREAM OF TARTAR (Potassii bitartras)
Uses: It is useful in kidney diseases to remove dropsy. In large doses of four teaspoonfuls it acts as a watery purge. It is useful where the urine is thick and alkaline to make it clear and normal. It is sometimes combined in equal parts with epsom sa...
Creasote (creosote)
Colorless to yellowish oily liquid containing phenols and creosols, obtained by the destructive distillation of wood tar, especially from beech, and formerly used as an expectorant in treating chronic bronchitis. Also used as a wood preservati...
Crepe De Chine
Silk crepe used for dresses and blouses. ...
Heavy unglazed cotton, linen, or rayon fabric, colorfully printed and used for draperies and slipcovers. ...
Criminal abortion
The chief danger from the criminal interruption of pregnancy is sepsis (absorption of poisons) into the system. This may be acute in character and have a fatal termination, or chronic in nature, leading to permanent injury of the womb and fallopian tube...
There are many varieties. The treatment should be begun, under the instructions of a physician, and continued from infancy and many a good foot can be obtained. KNOCK KNEE. (Genu Valgum). This is due to an overgrowth of the internal knuckle (cond...
Croton Oil
Brownish-yellow, foul-smelling oil from the seeds of a tropical Asian shrub or small tree (Croton tiglium); formerly used as a drastic purgative and counterirritant. Its use was discontinued because of its toxicity. croup Condition of th...
Child wakes up suddenly, perhaps at midnight, with a harsh barking cough, with difficulty of breathing, and it looks as if it could not get another breath. Then there is an easy spell and soon the spasm recurs. ...
Aconite 2X dil. Put ten drops in a glass half full of water, and give two teaspoonfuls every fifteen minutes in alteration with Spongia 3X trit. (tablet form) one at a dose. If there is no fever the Spongia can be used alone. Cough is hard, rasping, bar...
Powdered Alum 2 drams Honey Strained 1/2 ounce Syrup Simple 1 ounce Mucilage Acacia to make 2 ounces Mix. Dose: Take one teaspoonful as required. The above amount would cost about 30 cents. ...
Croup, Quick Cure for
"A quantity of raw linseed oil should always be at hand in a family where the children are subject to croup. It is an unfailing remedy, and for quick results it beats anything else which can be given for that dread disease. Half a teaspoonful is a dose,...
Croup, Salt Water for
"A handful of salt in a basin of cold water. Wring towel out of this solution and apply over the throat. Cover with warm flannel, keep patient warm." This simple but effective remedy has been known to give relief many times and has been thoroughly tried...
CROUP, Spasmodic
This disease gives the parents a terrible shock if they have never seen any attacks of the kind. The symptoms which attend the attack are out of all proportion to the real danger. It is generally the result of exposure to cold or to the cold wind. Irrit...
Culver's Root
Perennial herb (Veronicastrum virginicum) native to eastern North America; the root was formerly used as a cathartic and an emetic. ...
Therapeutic procedure, no longer in use; an evacuated glass cup is applied to the skin to draw blood to the surface. ...
Copper. ...
Flavored with sour orange peel. Popular island resort in the Netherlands Antilles. ...
The much advertised "Cuticura Ointment" has been found to consist .of a base of petroleum jelly, colored green, perfumed with oil of bergamot and containing two per cent of carbolic acid. Four ounces would cost about 25 cents. ...
This preparation is said to be: Aloes, Socot 1 dram Rhubarb Powdered 1 dram Potas. Iodidi 36 grains Spirits Frumenti 1 pint Macerate over night and filter. The above amount exclusive of whisky w...
They are named cut (incised); contused, such as made by a blunt instrument. Lacerated or torn, when the tissues are torn or ragged. Punctured, stab-wounds, when made by a pointed instrument. Treatment. There may be pain, gaping (opening) of the e...