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2. The Epithelial Cancer (Carcinoma)
These always spring from free epithelium-clad surfaces, as the skin, and mucous membranes or from the glands of the same. These growths appear with great frequency at the points of junction of mucous membranes and skin surfaces, probably because these ...
A MOTHERS' REMEDY for Stiff Neck
Hot Salt and Oil of Sassafras. "If troubled with stiff neck, fill a bag with hot salt and sleep on it, or rub the neck with oil of sassafras which, by the way, is also excellent for lumbago and to scatter, not cure, rheumatism pains." ...
(In the following article on cancer we quote in part from material issued by the Public Health Department of the State of Michigan). Cancer is curable if it be operated upon in its early stages. If it be left to grow and develop, cancer is always fa...
This is very malignant. This kind is divided into two classes, Scirrhus and Epithelial. 1. Scirrhus cancer. This is a hard, irregular growth of moderate size. Its special seat is the breast, the pyloric (smaller) end of the stomach and in few instanc...
Eighty-one per cent of an tumors of the breast are cancer or become so. Whenever a woman feels a lump in her breast, particularly if she be at the cancerous age, she should consult a skilled physician at once and keep that breast under medical observati...
The beginning of cancer of the stomach is very difficult to recognize and it is far safer and wiser, upon the appearance of the first suspicious symptom, to seek the aid of some physician skilled in cancer diagnosis than to ignore and neglect these earl...
What women should know regarding it. The menopause or change of life comes on gradually, rarely suddenly. It is not preceded by excessive flowing or discharge or pain in a healthy woman. By cancer period is understood those years after forty, although...
Causes. Heredity may predispose to it. It is most common in those who are exposed to hard labor in the cold and wet; especially in women about middle age. It occasionally follows sub-acute, but rarely acute rheumatism. Symptoms. Many large joints are...
Colloid cancer; jelly-like substance
The cancer cells have undergone a degeneration in one of the preceding varieties. The material it contains is a semi-translucent, glistening, jelly-like substance. Its special seats are the stomach, bowel, omentum, ovary and, occasionally, the breast. ...
A chronic affection characterized by the passage of large quantities of normal urine of low specific gravity. Causes. It is most often found in young males and is probably of nervous origin. It may follow excitement or brain injury. Symptoms. The o...
A disorder of nutrition in which sugar accumulates in the blood and is excreted in the urine, the daily amount of which is greatly increased. Causes. Hereditary influences play an important role and cases are on record of its occurrence in many membe...
A disorder of nutrition characterized by excess of uric acid in the blood, attacks of acute arthritis (inflammation of joints) with deposit of urate of sodium in and around the joints; with various general symptoms. Causes. Heredity; male sex, usuall...
This is a very painful affection of the voluntary muscles, called also neuralgia, or according to its location, torticollis (stiff neck, wry neck), pleurodynia, lumbago (rheumatism in the back). Causes. Predisposed to it by previous attacks, having a ...
An excessive development of fat; it may be hereditary. It occurs most frequently in women of middle age and in children. Its chief cause is excessive eating and drinking, especially of the starch and sugar foods and malt liquors, and lack of exercise. T...
Dr. Hare gives the following to rub on large joints: 1. Ichthyol 1/2 to 1 ounce Lard 1 ounce 2. Tincture of Aconite 6 drams Tincture Arnica 1 ounce Oil of Turpentine l ounce (l or 2) Soa...
Preventive. Avoid exposure as stated for other rheumatism. Rest the chest by strapping with adhesive plaster as in pleurisy. Porous plasters are good and liniments; sometimes help is obtained by rubbing freely with camphor. Hot dry or wet applications ...
Retrocedent Gout
This is a term applied to serious symptoms which sometimes go with rapid improvement of the local joint conditions. There are severe pains in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pain in the heart, difficult breathing, palpitation, irregular and fee...
RHEUMATIC FEVER (Articular Rheumatism)
Causes. This may be acute or chronic. It is an infectious disease characterized by inflammation of several joints. The joints are held in place by ligaments and are inclosed by a thin membrane. In this acute rheumatism these parts become congested and ...
RHEUMATIC GOUT. (Rheumatic Arthritis. Arthritis Deformans)
Cause. It occurs most often from thirty to fifty-five, usually in women, generally at or after the change of life, and most frequently in those who have not had children. The involvement of the joints is most common in adult males. Exciting cause m...
Treatment for Stiff Neck. Wry Neck, (torticollis)
Warmth applied either dry or moist as hot salt bag or fomentations of hops, etc. Parke, Davis & Co., Detroit, now make a preparation called capsicine. This is very good for this trouble, rubbed on thoroughly as directed. It can be bought at most drug s...
A tumor is a new growth which produces a localized enlargement of a part, or an organ, has no tendency to a spontaneous cure, has no useful function, in most cases tends to grow during the whole of the individual's life. Clinically, tumors are divided i...
Diagnosis. It is uncommon under thirty, quite common after. Epithelioma of the lower lip is limited almost entirely to men. If, then, a man of from forty to seventy develops a small tumor in the lower lip which ulcerates early, it is likely to be the ca...
When to Suspect Cancer and What to Do
External or Exposed Cancer. Cancer of the exposed or surface parts of the body, such as the skin of the lip, nose, cheek, forehead, temples, etc., is more readily recognized than internal cancer, and is therefore more liable to early operation and prom...