2. The Epithelial Cancer (Carcinoma)
Constitutional Diseases
These always spring from free
epithelium-clad surfaces, as the skin, and mucous membranes or from the
glands of the same. These growths appear with great frequency at the
points of junction of mucous membranes and skin surfaces, probably because
these parts are subjected to more frequent and varied forms of mechanical
and chemical irritation, Special seats: Skin surfaces, the nose, the lower
lip, the penis and scrotum, the vu
va, the anus (mucous surfaces), tongue,
palate, gums, tonsils, larynx, pharynx, gullet, bladder, womb.
MOTHERS' REMEDIES. l. Cancer, Simple Remedy for. "Give a teaspoonful of
sarsaparilla tea four times daily, made with two ounces of sarsaparilla
root and quart of water boiled to one pint and apply to cancer growth a
poultice made of carrots scraped or mashed cranberries." These simple
remedies will relieve and often cure growths taken for cancers, but if it
is really a cancerous growth no medicine will help and a physician should
be consulted at once.
2. Cancer, Nettles and Laudanum Will Help. "Take the juice of common
nettles inwardly and mix a little laudanum with the juice and rub the
parts outwardly. Cancer has often yielded to this treatment." This remedy
will no doubt help an ugly looking ulcer, repeatedly taken for cancer, by
the patients themselves and frequently the doctor. It is always well to
give this simple home remedy a trial, at least, for it is frequently
admitted by the medical fraternity to-day that ugly ulcers are often
treated in this way as cancers, sometimes to the lasting detriment of the
sufferer. Then why not try some efficient home remedy like the above until
you are certain that it is a cancer?