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Acetic Acid
is a most efficient remedy applied to old irritable _varicose ulcers_ on the limbs of females who have suffered from _Phlegmasia Dolens_, (milk leg.) It may be applied as a wash to the part once or twice a day at the strength of 1-20th of the aci...
Preparation Of Medicine
As it often becomes necessary for the practitioner to make more or less of his own dilutions and attenuations, some brief instructions especially to new beginners, may not come amiss. Medicine is prepared by mixing it with distilled water, or puri...
To Prevent Bilious Fever Or Ague
Take _Podophyllin_, _Baptisia_ and _Gelseminum_ 1st in rotation, one dose at night, and if symptoms of fever, as headache and loss of appetite, or bad taste in the mouth in the morning appear, take a dose three times a day, and refrain entirely from...
To Prevent Cholera
_Camphor_ (_pellets medicated_ with the pure tincture) _Veratrum_ 3d, and _Arsenicum_ 3d, should be taken in rotation--a dose morning, noon and night, in the order named; so as to take a dose of each every twenty-four hours. If any sense of weakness...
To Prevent Colds
Keep the _arms_, _hands_ and _chest_ well clothed and warm. _Affecting_ the _head_ as _catarrh_, or the pelvic regions keep the _feet and ankles warm and dry_. Affecting joints and muscles as Rheumatism--protect the _Spine_ (back) from colds and cur...
To Prevent Diarrhoea
Where it is prevailing as an _epidemic_, _Ipecac_ at night, and _Veratrum_ in the morning will often _suffice_. For _teething children_ give _Ipecac_ and _Chamomilla_ in the same manner. ...
To Prevent Dysentery
In hot weather when bilious diseases prevail, use _Mercurius_ 3d, _Podophyllin_ 2d, and _Leptandrin_ 1st in rotation, giving one dose a day. In the winter, or when _Typhoid fevers_ prevail, use _Mercurius_ and _Rhus_ tox. alternately a dose every...
To Prevent Itch
A dose of _Sulphur_, or rubbing a little flour of sulphur on the hands, will generally suffice. ...
To Prevent Scarlet Fever
Give Belladonna at the 3d attenuation, three to six pellets, according to the age of the child, every morning, during the prevalence of the epidemic. This is for the common or mild form of the disease. If the prevailing epidemic is of the _malignant...
To Prevent Small-pox
Use _Macrotin_ 1st night and morning, and if nursing or exposed frequently, use it every four hours. ...
To Prevent Typhoid Fever
When exposed, as in nursing the sick, take _Baptisia_ 2d, and _Macrotin_ 2d, a dose three times a day. ...
To Prevent Yellow Fever
Take _Aconite_, _Belladonna_ and _Macrotin_, 1st in rotation one dose a day. If there is any headache, or pains occur in other parts of the body, or a languid feeling, take a dose twice or three times a day in rotation. ...