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FIBROID TUMORS OF THE WOMB or Fibromata, Frequency

Categories: Diseases of Women

Some observers state
that twenty to forty per cent of all women over thirty-five years have one

or more of these tumors. They are not malignant. They are more common in

women who are sterile, unable to become pregnant. They appear early in

life and attack all classes. They appear oftener in the body of the womb

than in the neck. When in the body of the womb the back wall is the common

site. A covering of loose fibrous tissue
urrounds the growth. Few blood

vessels appear in the tumor, nourishment being received from the

surrounding tissues. Their growth is slow, except during pregnancy, when

they grow rapidly. There are three varieties named according to their

location and the structure covering: or surrounding them. 1. Interstitial;

2. sub-mucus; 3. sub-peritoneal or sub-serous.

1. Interstitial. They are in the substance of the womb wall. They are

usually many and vary in size.

2. Sub-mucus (under the mucous membrane). They project into the cavity of

the womb, are covered by mucous membrane and are attached to the womb by a

broad base or pedicle. This is sometimes cut off spontaneously, and then

the tumor is expelled from the womb.

3. Sub-peritoneal. They are under the peritoneum, which forms its outer


Causes. Are not known. They are more frequent between thirty and forty.

Symptoms. Difficult monthly sickness, too much blood flowing from the

womb, unable to become pregnant, sometimes, and abortion. Bleeding comes

more from the sub-mucus variety generally. Pain is caused by the size and

weight and by pressure upon the bladder, rectum and the nerves. Death

rarely results except from the complications.

MOTHER'S REMEDY. 1. Ulcers of the Womb, Common Wood Cactus for. "Common

wood cactus tea. Take wineglassful three times a. day." Should remove all

thorns, chop fine and boil in sufficient water; add gin to make dose more


Treatment. Operation is needed when the symptoms are pressing. The

sub-mucus variety may make an early operation necessary on account of

their location.

Symptoms Calling for an Operation. Size of the tumor; from the pressure

symptoms; persistent bleeding from the womb. Sometimes it is necessary to

remove the entire womb, especially in the interstitial variety, for the

walls of the womb may be filled with the tumors.

