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Children's Deformed Feet
Papers On Health
See Club Foot.
Children's Dangers
Children's Healthy Growth
Cayenne And Mustard
Mustard spread on a cold towel and applied to the spine or lumbar region of the back is often an effective aid to the cold treatment. If such applications have to be made more than once, cayenne pepper is preferable to the mustard, and equally powerfu...
Changing Treatment
To wisely alter and arrange the treatment in any case is of the utmost importance. Treatment which at first gives great relief will often become ineffective or even painful. Then some other way of cure must be tried. Sometimes cold applications will b...
Chapped Hands
Our idea is that this is caused by the soda in the soap used. At any rate, we have never known any one to suffer from chapped hands who used M'Clinton's soap only. It is made from the ash of plants, which gives it a mildness not approached by even ...
Chest Pains
See Angina Pectoris. ...
Chest Protectors
These are often piled on the front of the body, while the far more important back is left exposed. In many cases of delicacy and cough, particularly with women, it is far more effective to protect the upper back with warm extra flannel than to place ...
These occur in hands and feet where the circulative power is feeble, either from weakness or from tight pressure of boots or gloves. The cold has power, owing to lack of circulation, to partly kill the skin, which thus becomes painfully inflamed, and ...
Simple remedies such as we advocate are found of immense service in mitigating both the pains of child-birth and the troubles coming before and after it. To see that the medical man is one thoroughly competent is the first duty of those responsible...
Children And Teachers
Children are of the utmost value to society; through any one of them the divine light may shine which will bless many generations. They are very easily hurt by unwise treatment and teaching. We would have the teacher and parent impressed with the pre...
Children In Fever
Fevered children, whether in any actual fever, as scarlet, typhoid, or any other, or merely heated from some minor ailment, should be treated as under Fever. Have two small towels, wring them tightly out of cold water, fold one gently round the head. ...
Children's Clothing
An infant's clothing should be soft, warm, and light in weight, covering all parts of the body with equal warmth. Tight bands and long, heavy skirts should never be used, the dress and petticoat being just long enough to keep the feet covered and warm...
Children's Dangers
Avoidance of the causes of disease requires some idea of the dangers to which children are exposed in the usual upbringing. For instance, sitting on damp ground, cold stones, or even a cool window-sill, is a fruitful cause of bowel trouble. The remedy...
Children's Deformed Feet
See Club Foot. ...
Children's Healthy Growth
Often either the whole system or some part fails to grow properly. In this way the spine or legs may become curved, or generally the child is small and feeble. Growth depends largely on the organic nerve centres. Lack of power there causes even defor...
Children's Limbs
Frequently a failure of some kind shows itself in the limbs of some children. Usually it appears as either bending or inability to walk at the proper age, or both together. To use "steel boots" and kindred appliances is to ignore the true nature of th...
Children's Nerves
The nervous system of children is often damaged by shock or fright, sometimes very seriously, so that paralysis or hysterical affections come on. Blindness, deafness, loss of speech, every possible loss of function may follow a violent shock to a c...
Children's Sleep
This most important matter of good sleep for the child depends not only on health of body but on ease of the infant's mind. It is wrong to treat the child otherwise than through the understanding, where he is afraid, or in a strange place. Waking up, ...
Children's Strength
The question often arises as to the ability of children to bear certain kinds of treatment. It must ever be remembered, both in hot and cold applications, that the infant should be gently dealt with. Violent cold and burning heat must alike be avoide...
Children's Swellings
Sometimes these occur as merely relaxed tissue full of blood. In this case everything about the part seems right and healthy except the swelling. The skin is right and the temperature also. Treatment such as restores nerve energy will usually cure the...
Children's Teething
See Teething. ...
Children's Treatment
This should always be managed so as to soothe and not excite the little patients. They are very sensitive to heat and cold. When these are applied the child often cries, so that the "treatment" is condemned and given up. What should be condemned is th...
(1) Nerve or imaginary chills. These are feelings of cold, where there is no real chilling; the back feels as if cold water were poured down it, or even the whole body feels chilled, when an examination will show that there is no real chill whatever. ...
Emetic; warm coffee, and even an enema of coffee. Artificial respiration (see Drowning) may be necessary if breathing gets very low. ...