Children's Healthy Growth
Papers On Health
Often either the whole system or some part
fails to grow properly. In this way the spine or legs may become
curved, or generally the child is small and feeble. Growth depends
largely on the organic nerve centres. Lack of power there causes even
deformity itself. Treatment, therefore, must be such as to restore to
these centres their energy, and increase it. Do not force the child to
stand or walk when wearied. If he un
formly refuses these attitudes,
have patience till he gathers power. Wash all over at bedtime with warm
water and M'Clinton's soap. Dry, and rub all over with warm olive oil.
Wipe this also gently off. Let the rubbing be such, along each side of
the spine, as will bring the organic nerves into action. Gentle, slow,
steady motion of the hand is best for this. All painful or irritating
rubbing is positively hurtful. Let this be done every night, and even
incipient deformity will be cured in time.
The nerves are in some cases irritable, and great restlessness and
involuntary movement, accompanied even with twisting of the neck, shows
itself. This will yield to skilful cooling of the spinal nerves with
damp cloths. See St. Vitus' Dance.
An opposite kind of nervous failure shows itself as paralysis. The hand
and arm, or foot, trails helplessly, owing to motor nerve failure. This
will often yield to the spinal rubbing and poulticing mentioned above.
Another state of failure is indicated by "numbness" in the fingers and
toes. The spinal rubbing and poulticing with bran will also be
effective for this. Sometimes lack of nerve force shows itself as
failure to walk at the proper time. The child cannot use its limbs
properly, although these are right enough in shape and size. The cure
for this is persistent gentle rubbing with warm oil, as recommended
above, over the whole body, but especially over the back. Feel for the
muscles and bones, and adapt your hand to their shape, going down into
the hollows immediately on each side of the spine, and paying
particular attention to the upper part in the failure of the arms,
and the lower part in failure of the legs. This rubbing is a most
powerful remedy, but it must be patiently and well applied twice a day
for a length of time. Bear in mind that gradual cures are most
permanent. Even creeping paralysis in adult persons yields to this
rubbing. No doubt it is work, but it is well repaid. All troubles
where failing nerves are concerned may be treated with some
modification of this heat and rubbing. Our readers can easily adapt it
to particular needs by a little thought. See Spine, Misshapen, and