Scarlatina Simplex Or Simple Scarlet-fever
Hydriatic Treatment Of Scarlet Fever In Its Different Forms
In the _mildest form_ of the disease, called _scarlatina simplex_, or
_simple scarlet-fever_, there is no inflammation of the throat, the
fever is moderate, and the patient suffers very little. Unfortunately
this form is so rare, that many experienced physicians never saw a case.
Probably, it was a case belonging to this class, which was mentioned a
number of years ago by one of the writers on Priessnitz's practice, when
a lady with scarlet-fever joined a dancing party at Graefenberg, a case
for reporting which the author has been ridiculed by the opponents of
the Water-Cure, but which by no means belongs to impossibilities; for
scarlatina simplex having been declared by eminent physicians (not of
Priessnitz's school) to be "scarcely a disease," becoming fatal only
through the officiousness of the doctor, and other physicians of note
recommending cold rooms and open air through the whole course of the
disease, or at least towards the latter part of it; I do not see
why a patient under water-treatment should not be safer in producing
perspiration by dancing than in sitting in a cold room or in walking in
the open street. The fact, of course, is unusual, and I do not exactly
recommend its practice, but it is not at all impossible, and ridiculing
the reporter of it shows either ignorance of the disease or a bad will
towards the new curative system, to which those are most opposed who
know the least of it.