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Categories: Diseases of The Blood And Ductless Galnds

No satisfactory explanation can be given for
this disease. It seems to be more prevalent where lime-stone water is

used. Heredity plays a part. This is an enlargement of the thyroid gland.

Chronic enlargement of the thyroid is sporadic. Cases are scattered and

endemic in certain mountainous regions. It affects young women most often.

A great excess in lime drinking water may be the cause. It is very

prevalent about the eastern shore of Lake Ontario and in parts of

Michigan. It is a common complaint in this country.

Symptoms. There is a gradual painless enlargement of the whole gland or

one lobe, etc. It may press on the windpipe, and cause difficult

breathing, also on the blood vessels and nerves.

Recovery. This is usually favorable as to life, but not so favorable as a

cure. It becomes chronic. A sudden fatal ending may come.

