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Categories: Respiratory Diseases

Swelling or oedma of the glottis or more correctly of the
structure which forms the glottis, is a very serious affection. It may

follow acute laryngitis or may be met with in chronic diseases of the

larynx and from other diseases. It is dangerous.

Symptoms. Difficulty of breathing which increases in intensity so that

the condition becomes very serious in a short time. There is whistling

breathing, the voice is h
sky and disappears.

Acute Laryngitis. Inhalations and sprays.

Menthol 10 grains

Oil of pine 1 dram

Tincture of benzion 1 dram

Liquid alboline 2 ounces

Make a solution. Use one teaspoonful in a pint of boiling water; inhale

with a cone placed over the dish or put a shawl over the head and dish and

inhale the steam. Or this one to inhale same way:

Tincture of benzoin 1 dram

Oil of tar 1 drain

Liquid alboline 2 ounces

Make a solution and use one teaspoonful to a pint of boiling water as


It may be necessary in order to save life, to have a physician make an

opening by incision into the windpipe for the admission of air into the

lungs. This process is called Tracheotomy.

