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On The Application Of These Mode
Bruises Case Xiv
The first case of bruise which I shall detail was not severe, but will serve to illustrate the mode of treatment by the adherent eschar. Mr. Symons, aged 60, slipped off a chair and bruised the shin, last evening; the skin was removed to the exten...
Bruises Case Xix
Robert Hill, aged 16, received a blow yesterday from a bone which was thrown at him, upon the outer condyle of the humerus. He complains of extreme pain and there are much redness and swelling. I applied the lunar caustic and directed the part to be...
Bruises Case Xv
The following case was far more severe, but the mode of treatment was not less efficacious. Mr. Granger, aged 36, was exposed to a severe bruise by a great weight of stones which had been piled up, falling upon the outside of the leg; he was extr...
Bruises Case Xvi
J. Jennings, bricklayer, aged 26, fell through the roof of a house and bruised and lacerated his shin rather severely to the extent of an inch and half in one part and in several other places in a less degree. I applied the lunar caustic to the woun...
Bruises Case Xvii
An old man, aged 60, received a bruise upon the occiput from a fall; the skin was lacerated and removed to the extent of half-a-crown. I applied the lunar caustic soon after the accident. On the next day an adherent eschar was formed. There was ne...
Bruises Case Xviii
Mrs. C. aged 40, was detained on a journey by a bruised wound on her knee, received a fortnight before, which was healing very slowly under the usual mode of treatment. The inflammation was subsiding but the sore was extremely irritable and painful,...
Bruises Case Xx
It frequently occurs to surgeons to receive slight wounds upon the hands which prove very troublesome. Of this kind is the following. Mr. L.C. had an irritable and inflamed sore on the ulnar side of the third finger, occasioned by a bruise a fortn...
Of Punctures Etc
In cases of recent punctured wounds the orifice and surrounding skin should be moistened with a drop of water; the caustic should then be applied within the puncture until a little pain be felt, and then over the surrounding skin, and the eschar mus...
On The Treatment By Eschar And Poultice
In many cases in which it is impossible to adopt either the mode of treatment by the adherent or the unadherent eschar, it is of great utility to apply the caustic first and then a cold poultice made without lard or oil: this plan is particularly us...
On Ulcers
From the preceding observations it would naturally be concluded that the lunar caustic would afford a remedy for the treatment of ulcers. This conclusion is perfectly just. Yet there are many circumstances which render the mode of treating ulcers by...
Punctures Case I
A.B. received a severe punctured wound by a hook of the size of a crow-quill, which pierced into the flesh between the thumb and fore-finger on the outside of the hand; scarcely a drop of blood followed, but there was immediately severe pain and tum...
Punctures Case Ii
Mrs. Middleton, aged 40, wounded her wrist, on the ulnar side, by the hook of a door post; there was a considerable flow of blood at first, but this ceased suddenly and the arm immediately became affected with great pain and swelling. The lunar caus...
Punctures Case Iii
A female servant punctured the end of the finger by a pin; there succeeded much pain and swelling, and it appeared that the nail would separate, and the cuticle all round the finger was raised by the effusion of fluid. This fluid was evacuated and a...
Punctures Case Iv
The present case is somewhat more severe than those which have been already given, and what is of great importance, the caustic was not applied immediately after the accident. William Chantry, aged 50, received a stab in the wrist with a hay-fork ...
Punctures Case Ix
James Joynes, aged 12, was bitten by an ass, on each side of the middle finger; the wounds were severe, and almost immediately followed by swelling and great pain. The lunar caustic was well applied within half an hour after the accident. On the ...
Punctures Case V
Mr. Cocking's son, aged 12, received a stab in the palm of the hand from a penknife three days ago, which has been followed by much swelling and pain, the punctured orifice being nearly closed. I applied the lunar caustic as deep as possible within ...
Punctures Case Vi
A little boy, aged 12, received a stab by a penknife a few days ago, in the fore part of the thigh; there are now great pain and swelling, the orifice is nearly closed, and he has feverishness with headach. I applied the lunar caustic deeply in the ...
Punctures Case Vii
Mr. Parr, aged 30, of delicate habit, trod upon a needle which pierced the ball of the great toe; a free crucial incision was made but the needle could not be found; a poultice was applied to the wound and over the poultice a cold lotion. In the ...
Punctures Case Viii
This case illustrates the mode of treatment by the lunar caustic, of those terrible effects of punctured wounds which have been neglected in the beginning. B. Unwin, aged 40, washerwoman, applied to me on July the 10th, 1820, with severe inflamma...
Punctures Case X
Mr. Worth's daughter, aged six, was thrown down by a dog and bitten severely on the face and forehead in three places; one of the wounds in the cheek was deep from the penetration of the dog's front teeth, and the parts were much bruised. The lunar ...
Punctures Case Xi
Mrs. G. was bitten by a little dog on forefinger about a fortnight ago. There is now a very irritable, inflamed, fungous sore. I removed the fungous by a pair of scissors and applied the lunar caustic to form an eschar. On the succeeding day, I f...
Punctures Case Xii
A servant maid was bitten by a dog in four places--severely on the forearm--three days ago. Adhesive plaster had been applied. There is a wound across the arm two inches in length and three-fourths of an inch in breadth, attended by dull pain, and s...
Punctures Case Xiii
Am old man applied leeches to the instep for inflammation occasioned by a bruise. Several very irritable sores were produced with some swelling. I applied the lunar caustic to form an eschar. On the following day, the eschars were adherent, the sw...
Ulcers Case Xxi
Mrs. Butcher, aged 52, has two ulcers a little above the outer ankle, one the size of half-a-crown, the other, of a shilling, of four months duration, which are now in a healing state by the application of cerate and poultice; the healing process is...
Ulcers Case Xxii
J. Copeland, blacksmith, aged 38, came to me with many deep ulcerations, from the size of a horse bean to that of a pea, attended with great pain, heat, itching and excoriations of the surrounding skin, obliging him to rest at different times, for s...
Ulcers Case Xxiii
Mr. Marshall, aged 60, had a troublesome ulcer under the outer ankle, of an oblong form and of the size of sixpence. He has been long subject to ulcers of the legs, and he had a similar ulcer to the present one in the same situation, some years ago,...
Ulcers Case Xxiv
The following case must not be regarded as altogether trifling. For such sores are very apt to spread and to remain long very troublesome. An old gentleman came to me with an oblong ulcer on the shin about an inch in length; it was very painful a...
Ulcers Case Xxix
The peculiarity of the present case arose from neglect in evacuating the fluid effused under the eschar the day succeeding its formation, the consequence of which was that the edges of the eschar became raised all round, without however being entire...
Ulcers Case Xxv
The following case illustrates the superior efficacy of the lunar caustic over the ordinary modes of treatment in some ulcers of the legs, and will, I trust, be found particularly interesting. Mr. G.B. aged 60, a very tall and stout person, had tw...
Ulcers Case Xxvi
The following case occurred in the person of a lady with varicose veins and far advanced in pregnancy. Its speedy cure by the caustic was, therefore, the more remarkable, and saved her much trouble and suffering. Mrs. C. aged 40, had two small ir...
Ulcers Case Xxvii
Mrs. Wakefield, aged 36, had an extensive ulceration with excoriation on the upper part of the right breast, of two months continuance; it had been greatly aggravated by improper treatment. I applied the lunar caustic over the whole ulcerated and ex...
Ulcers Case Xxviii
Mrs. U. aged 60, has been subject to ulcerated legs for several years. She has one ulcer on the outer ankle of the size of a shilling, and another behind it of the size of a horse-bean; they have been extremely troublesome and under surgical treatme...
Ulcers Case Xxx
C. Cocking, aged 17, has an ulcer of the size of half-a-crown on the inner part of the knee, occasioned by an accident. He had been a month under surgical care in the country when he applied to me, but the ulcer continued without disposition to heal...