Punctures Case I
Application Of The Lunar
Caustic In The Cure Of Certain Wounds And Ulcers
A.B. received a severe punctured wound by a hook of the size of a
crow-quill, which pierced into the flesh between the thumb and
fore-finger on the outside of the hand; scarcely a drop of blood
followed, but there was immediately severe pain and tumefaction. The
lunar caustic was applied without loss of time, deep within the
orifice and around the edge of the wound; and the eschar was left to
dry. The smarting pain ind
ced by the caustic was severe for a time
but gradually subsided.
On the ensuing day, the eschar was adherent and there was little pain;
but there was more swelling than usual after the prompt application of
the caustic, owing to the mobility of the part.
On the third day the swelling remained as before, and there was a
little sense of heat. On the fourth day the swelling and heat had
subsided, and the eschar remained adherent. On the succeeding day the
eschar had been removed by washing the hand, and the puncture was
unhealed but free from pain and irritation. The caustic was
From this time the eschar remained adherent, and at length gradually
separated leaving the part perfectly well.
It is quite certain that under any other mode of treatment this severe
puncture would have greatly inflamed and have proved very painful and
troublesome; and it is not improbable but that suppuration and much
suffering might have ensued. All this is effectually and almost
certainly prevented if the caustic be applied promptly, as in this
case. When time has been lost, the case is very different as will
appear hereafter; but even in these cases, the caustic proves an
invaluable application.