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PREPARATION.--The purified Paraffin is triturated in the usual way.

(This proving was made by Dr. Wahle, of Germany, who was the chemist of

Hahnemann. He never published it, but gave the manuscript to his son,

who in his turn gave it to Dr. Held, now a practicing physician in Rome.

Dr. Held at the request of his colleagues translated it into Italian and

it appeared in the medical journal, L'Omiopatia in Italia, from w

this article is translated and slightly condensed. The remedy is used by

the homoeopaths of Rome and found to be valuable in uterine and other

troubles, indicated by the proving. It is particularly serviceable in




Weight in the head.

Bruised feeling in the left side of the occiput.

Head heavy and dull; a feeling when leaning forward as if a weight fell

toward the forehead.

Pulsation in the head.

Pressing pain in the head, extending from the vertex toward the forehead

as if something would come out.

Pricking, stinging in the head, extending to the left temporal bone.

Pain as of a contusion in occiput.

At 9 o'clock in the morning there comes a pain in the left side of the

vertex as if a nail were being driven into the head, with extension of

the pain to the left lower jaw.

Touching the left side of the head causes pain as if the part were

crushed and a feeling as if the whole side of the head were soft and


Twisting and wrenching in the sinciput so that he must lie down; having

lain down a quarter of an hour, and having placed the right hand under

the head, there was experienced a feeling of painless shock so that the

hand under the head was drawn away and the legs were thrown down from

the sofa. Soon afterward occurred severe palpitation of the heart.

Twisting and wrenching in the whole head, as well as the face.

Feeling as of knife stabs under the right temporal bone extending into

the right eye and becoming worse on bending over. On the outside of the

forehead a pressing pain which seems to thrust inward, passing, in half

an hour, into the inside of the head.

Painful pulsation in the forehead, which gradually disappears when lying

down, but becomes worse when bending over.

The left side of the head and face suffer most; pains stinging and

twisting, often going and returning at the same time.

Twisting in the left side of the head and face; the teeth of the same

side ache as if they would fall out.

On touching the vertex the skin pains as if it were suppurating, in the


Sticking in the forehead extending into the nose.

The skin of the head feels soft on being touched or as if suppuration

was going on underneath it.

Falling out of the hair.


Throbbing and sticking over the right eyebrow laterally and from

without, extending into the lower jaw and there disappearing.

Stinging pains above the left eye and toward the temple.

Raised spots upon the cornea.

The eyes seem as if there was a veil before them in the morning.

In the morning the eyelids are closed with mucus; dry mucus in the

internal angles of the eyes.

Itching in the internal angles of the eyes which ceases a moment on

rubbing, but a sore pain remains and very soon the itching returns


Pressing pains under the right upper eyelids as if some foreign body had

gotten in.

Pain under the upper eyelids as if from the prick of a needle.

The eyelids are red, as after crying.

Pain as of a wound in the external angle of the left eye, in the


Itching of the eyelids, lasting the whole day. Rubbing relieves only for

a short time.

A feeling in the eyes as if they had fat in them.

A feeling in the eyes as if they were always moist.

Eyes moist and tearful.

The mucus in the internal angles of the eyes is cold and viscid.

Lachrymation and itching of the eyes in the morning on rising.

In the morning the left eye is closed with mucus and seems to have a

veil before it.

A veil before the eyes or they feel as if they contained fat observed on

rubbing the eyes.

The eyes are dim, she sees nothing, but feels everything; has sensation

as if all the limits were numb for five minutes toward evening.

The eyes are pale; things seem to be seen through a veil. Little black

flies are seen before the eyes.

Short vision on account of the many little black flies before the eyes.

On fixing any object for some time the eyes become moist, as if a cold

wind was blowing into them, with a gentle itching.

In the open air there seems to be a black veil before the eyes; objects

seen seem to be pale, with short vision.

She sees objects as if in a mist.

The white of the eye is full of blood; worse toward the external angle.


Itching in the face as from urticaria, smooth red spots come out on the



Roaring in the right ear like the rumbling of a mill wheel, in the


Gurgling in the left ear like the beating of the pulse.

Ringing in both ears, in the morning.

Stinging and twisting in the left ear, with a feeling as if it was

stopped up.

The odor of cordials is perceived.

The nose is moist and there is frequent desire to blow it, but without


Blood from the nose of a dark red color.


Tearing in the teeth on the right side of the jaw, extending to the ear

on the same side. It is not relieved until support is given to the

painful cheek.

Stabbing pain in one of the left lower molar teeth.

Twisting in the teeth, with stinging in the ear, which after some hours

affects the whole left side of the head and face, down to the lower jaw.

Twisting pain in the lower teeth of the left side, affecting also the

temporal region, sleep is rendered thereby impossible.


In the evening there appeared under the upper lip, upon the gum, a hard

painless tumor which broke of itself during the night.

Mouth full of saliva; she was obliged to spit constantly, lasting for

twenty-four hours.

Voice hollow and harsh.

Mouth feels sticky.

Dryness of the throat, the fauces are as if they were dried up, but

without thirst.

Sense of suffocation in the pharynx.

The mouth is without taste and the appetite fails.

Bitter taste in the mouth.

Tongue slightly coated; dirty-white in color; chill, followed by dry

heat with thirst, which is soon followed by sweat, lasting a long time.


Acid eructations some hours after eating.

A constant feeling of satiety.

Appetite good, but nothing seems to taste as it should.

Inclination to vomit at 9 o'clock in the evening.

After eating, repeated urging to vomit with expulsion of the ingested


Disturbance of the stomach with increase of saliva in the mouth as if

emesis must occur, with stinging pains in the forehead and cold over the

whole body, without thirst or feeling of heat following.

Hunger almost all the time.

Pain across the stomach as if a blow had been received.

The pain persists even after thirty-six hours.

On account of the severe pain in the stomach can only breathe slowly and


The pains in the stomach extend to the chest, causing oppression

thereof, and then pass into the shoulders, with much belching and

alternating pains in the throat and in the spine.

Great sensibility of the stomach; cannot draw the vest together.

In walking, a feeling of relaxation in the region of the stomach as if

there was a sore in it which was causing pain.

Smoking soon causes pain in the stomach and tobacco is distasteful.

Pain as if from a beating in the region of the stomach; she wished to

gape and was obliged to support the region of the stomach with the hand,

thereupon arose a fixed pain in the left hypochondrium as if some of the

parts were being twisted.

Chill, heat and sweat, frequently alternating. The stomach swells up

like a ball and forces itself upwards; hard and very painful to the

touch; there is also very little appetite.

When the pains in the stomach subside, those in the teeth also

disappear, as if there was a causal relation between the two.

Weight in the stomach as if there was a stone placed upon it, in the

morning, evening and after dinner during the time of digestion, that is

from half an hour to an hour after meals.

Sometimes there occurs palpitation of the heart in connection with these

stomach symptoms, so severe that he is often incapacitated from doing

anything whatever.

After breakfast, between nine and ten o'clock, griping and drawing with

crawling in the stomach, which extends into the chest and between the

shoulders, causing oppression of the chest with a sense of heat.

The face and hands become hot and red and there is hot sweat upon the

upper part of the body, especially upon the forehead.


Sense of lassitude in the abdomen which grows less when the parts are


Swelling of the abdomen and nausea as if about to vomit.

Feeling in the abdomen as if he had been disemboweled; he wishes to

walk fast which causes the parts to pain severely.

Cutting pains in the abdomen so that he was unable to sleep the whole


In the morning at 9 o'clock, colicky pains in the abdomen which ceased

after some minutes and a quantity of white mucus issued from the vagina;

these attacks are often repeated.

Under the umbilicus, a cutting pain as if caused by a sharp knife,

extending down to the genitals.

Colicky pains for some hours internal to the umbilicus with a painful

sensation as if a cord was bound around the abdomen above the stomach,

lasting ten minutes.

A griping sensation in the region of the umbilicus extending to the


When sitting, spasmodic pains in the lower portion of the abdomen

extending into the rectum and coccyx. After long sitting the pains are

relieved, but walking makes them worse so that the body must be held in

a slightly curved position.

Toward six in the afternoon, griping and cutting internal to the

umbilicus with nausea, afterward vomiting of acid water and at the end a

little food, with twisting pains in the vertex and temples; dryness of

the mouth with much thirst.

Wrenching pains in the calves extending into the toes and preventing

sleep the whole night; she does not know where to put her legs.

At 10 o'clock in the evening, without having supped, the abdomen

suddenly swelled as if she had eaten to excess; before and during the

attack flat and viscid taste in the mouth. She went to bed in this

condition and on waking in the morning the attack was entirely gone, the

bowels, however, refused to move.

Painless swelling of the abdomen lasting twenty-four hours.

Abdomen hard; tense and swollen with painless rumblings unaccompanied

with belching of wind; he goes to bed with these symptoms, but they are

gone in the morning.

However, there remains a constrictive pain below the ribs, passing

across the stomach with much thirst. Five hours later there occurred

alvine discharges; the first was very hard with much tenesmus, so that

the whole abdomen was retracted; the last discharges were fluid,

abundant and without tenesmus, in consequence of which the swelling of

the abdomen went down a little.

The pains disappear, however, with redness of the face, alternating with

cold sweat.

Standing and walking soon bring back the symptoms again.

Pressing the arm against the stomach and squeezing it relieved the pain

and then she was able to breathe deeply, which she could not do


Stomach swollen in the afternoon; went to bed at 10 o'clock and slept

one hour, awoke with urging to vomit and soon after threw up acid water

and the food taken the preceding day.

Griping in the abdomen, extending down into the rectum, with a feeling

as if this organ was ligated; she feels so weak that she has to support

herself to keep from falling, with cold sweat in the face, lasting half

an hour.

Severe itching in the abdomen which ceases and is always followed by

copious white expectoration, with flashes of heat in the face and great


At first coldness in the feet, then stinging and pressing pains in the

right hypochondrium. From here the pains pass to the stomach with

swelling of the abdomen; then they extend up the spine to the shoulders.

Spasmodic, stabbing pains, one after the other, in the Mons Veneris,

when standing on her feet she has a desire to put one foot over the


A spasmodic pain in the left inguinal region as of incarcerated wind,

which extends upward across the abdomen, causing a painful spot in the

region of the spleen.


Bowels confined for two days and very hard; the evacuation occurs in

small pieces.

No evacuation for three days, the abdomen seems very full, as if much

had been eaten, with loss of appetite.

Evacuations accompanied with stinging, cutting pains in the rectum which

persist more than an hour, with vehement tenesmus.

Obstinate constipation in children is readily cured.

The child has a movement only once in three or four days, accompanied

with severe pain in the anus.

Frequent desire for stool without result.

Stools hard but occurring every day.

After going for three days without stool he is obliged to remain an hour

before expelling anything and becomes very much fatigued.

Evacuations hard as nuts expelled with much difficulty, with spasmodic

pains in the intestines; the feces escape in small pieces.

Chronic constipation with hemorrhoids and continual urging to stool

without result.


Often passes much urine.

Frequent desire to pass urine after cramps in the stomach.

Was obliged to urinate three times in the space of four hours, but only

a small quantity each time; otherwise she only urinated once during the

same length of time and with strangury.

Urine very hot and light colored.

Passes much urine and after a quarter of an hour passes an equally large

quantity, although she had drunk but little.

Slight itching and burning in the vulva when not urinating.

Feeling of heat in the vulva.

Very hot urine causing heat at the vulva.

Very hot urine with burning pain at the vulva.

The menstruation appears several days too late.

The blood is black and abundant.

The menstrual blood is reddish-black.

The menstruation comes on six days too soon, when on the feet the blood

flows continuously.

During the menstruation she feels cold externally and hot internally and

must drink a great deal.

Cutting pains through the body on the second day of the menstruation.

White fluid discharge like milk coming away in drops.

Very profuse white discharge, leaving white and gray spots on the linen,

with itching in the abdomen.

The white discharge has a sweetish odor.

A chronic rattling in the throat causes a dry cough.

The whole chest pains as if compressed, and when breathing, sharp

stabbing pains traverse the chest, worse on the left side.

Stinging in the chest which prevents him from taking a long breath.

Pain in the region of the diaphragm as if it was inflamed; when gaping,

drawing pains under the right ribs, extending as far as the spine; they

come and go frequently and are aggravated by respiration.

Stabbing pains one after another in the upper portion of the left

breast, worse when breathing, lasting half an hour.

Stinging pains under the false ribs on the left side which grow on lying

down, on external pressure and on deep respiration with flashes of heat.

Twisting pains in the left breast.

The nipples pain on touching them, as if they were sore inside.


Pains in the spine, extending into the lumbar vertebrae and then into

both sides above the crests of the ilia and into the inguinal regions,

where a pain as of inflammation is felt.

The dorsal pains are increased by bending.

Pains in the spine as if it had been injured, as bad during repose as

when in motion.

Drawing and stinging between the shoulders with oppression of breath.

Drawing pains between the shoulders, extending downward along the spine,

toward the liver and upward into the chest; then the respiration becomes

oppressed and frequent shooting pains traverse the entire body.

In the left axilla, an electric shock which shakes the whole body, and

in all the joints there occurs a trembling, such as might be produced by

an electric machine, and which causes each time a sensation of fear.


The whole right arm, but principally the axilla, feels as if it had been

dislocated by a blow.

Stabbing pain under the right arm toward the breast.

The right arm feels heavy and she cannot lift it well; feels a sensation

of numbness as if the clothing was too tight, with turgescence of the


The muscles of the forearm seem to grow large and have a feeling of


Wrenching pains in the elbow joints.

Wrenching pains in the joints of the left hand.

Pains as if from fatigue in both loins, when ascending the stairs.

Drawing and cutting pains from one iliac crest to the other as if a

knife had traversed the abdomen; often intermitting and always



Painful tension in the muscles of the thigh as if a long walk had been


Wrenching pain on the outside of the right knee extending down the

right side of the leg to the malleolus, from thence into the heel, where

it ceases.

Trembling of the legs from the knees to the toes so that there is

difficulty in walking or raising the feet.

Tearing pains in the calves of the legs, with a feeling of heat,

extending down to the toes; the palms of the hands and soles of the feet

are very hot.

Tearing pains in the articulations of the feet and in the toes, for

several hours.

The back and soles of the feet are swollen, after thirty-four hours,

with tearing pains in the ankles and soles of the feet on account of

which, though very tired, he was not able to sleep.

A feeling as of electric shocks in all the joints.


General weariness lasting several days.

When sitting down, a feeling as if the whole body were swaying to and


At 4 o'clock in the afternoon great fatigue with profuse cold sweat and

somnolence for two hours.

Much of the hair falls out.

Pulse weak and thready and increased in frequency.

Frequent gaping with great somnolence.

Continued yawning, although the joints of the jaw are painful.

She would like to sleep all the time, day and night.

She cannot keep awake and goes to sleep in her chair; her feet go to


After having passed the night rolling around in bed without waking and

passing from one dream to another, she wakes at 5 o'clock, the bed

clothing thrown aside and without her night cap, a thing which had never

happened to her before.

Sensual lascivious dreams.

