A Collection Of Gallbladders
The Analysis of Disease States: Helping the Body Recover
How And When To Be Your Own Doctor
Gallbladder cases are rather ho-hum to me; they are quick to respond
to hygienic treatment and easy to resolve. I've fixed lots of them.
But an inflamed gallbladder is in no way ho-hum to the person
afflicted with it. I've been frequently told that there are no worse
pains a body can create than an inflamed gallbladder or the
sensations accompanying the passing of a gall stone. I hear from
kidney patients that passing
kidney stone is worse but I've never
had a patient who experienced both kinds of stones to give me an
honest comparative evaluation.
The only thing dangerous about simple gallbladder problems is
ignoring them (between the bouts of severe pain they can cause)
because then the inflamed gallbladder can involve the liver. I
already told the story of how my own mother lost half her liver this
The condition is usually caused by a combination of hereditary
tendency, general toxemia, and/or a high-fat diet, especially one
high in animal fats. The liver makes bile that is stored in the
gallbladder, to be released on demand into the small intestine to
digest fat. A toxic, overloaded liver makes irritating
sediment-containing bile that inflames the gallbladder and forms
stones. A high-fat diet forces the liver to make even more of this
A toxic, overloaded, inflamed, blocked gallbladder is capable of
causing an enormous array of symptoms that can seem to have no
connection at all to their cause. In part these same symptoms are
caused by a toxic, constipated colon that, in part, got that way
because of poor fat digestion over a long time. These symptoms
include: severe back pain; headache; bloating; burping; nausea;
insomnia; intestinal gas; generalized aches and pains.
Medical doctors used to remove a troublesome gallbladder without
hesitation; it was an organ they considered to be highly
dispensable. Without one, the bile duct takes over as a bladder but
its capacity is much smaller so the person's ability to digest fats
has been permanently crippled, leading to increased toxemia and
earlier aging if fats are not eliminated from the diet. These days
the medicos have a new, less invasive procedure to eliminate stones;
they are vibrated and broken-up by ultrasonics without major
surgery. Inflamed gallbladders are usually removed because
gallbladder inflammations resist treatment by antibiotics.
There are several very effective natural gallbladder remedies. The
best is a three week fast, taking the juice of one or two lemons
every day, along with colonics. The lemon juice tends to clear the
bile duct. The fast allows the gallbladder to heal from
inflammation. In cases that aren't too severe I have had very good
results simply eliminating fats from the diet and using a food
supplement derived from beet tops called AF Betafood. However, in
all these cases, once the gallbladder is no longer "acting up," the
person must stay on a low fat diet. Any fats they do eat must be
vegetable and in small quantities.
By healing their gallbladders and cleansing their colons, several of
my clients have resolved severe, debilitating back pain, pain so
severe that the suffers were becoming bedridden. Medical doctors
don't associate gallbladder disease with back pain.