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Tissue Forceps

Sources: A Manual Of Peroral Endoscopy And Laryngeal Surgery

With the forceps illustrated in Fig. 28 specimens

of tissue may be removed for biopsy from the lower air and food

passages with ease and certainty. They have a cross in the outer blade

which holds the specimen removed. The action is very delicate, there

being no springs, and the sense of touch imparted is often of great

aid in the diagnosis.

[FIG. 27.--The author's upper-lobe bronchus forceps. At A is sho

the full-curved form, for reaching into the ascending branches of the

upper-lobe bronchus A number of different forms of jaws are made in

this kind of forceps. Only 2 are shown.]

[FIG 28--The author's endoscopic tissue forceps. The laryngeal length

is 30 cm. For esophageal use they are made 50 and 60 cm. long. These

are the best forceps for cutting out small specimens of tissue for


The large basket punch forceps shown in Fig. 33 are useful in removing

larger growths or specimens of tissue from the pharynx or larynx. A

portion or the whole of the epiglottis may be easily and quickly

removed with these forceps, the laryngoscope introduced along the

dorsum of the tongue into the glossoepiglottic recess, bringing the

whole epiglottis into view. The forceps may be introduced through the

laryngoscope or alongside the tube. In the latter method a greater

lateral action of the forceps is obtainable, the tube being used for

vision only. These forceps are 30 cm. long and are made in two sizes;

one with the punch of the largest size that can be passed through the

adult laryngoscope, and a smaller one for use through the

anterior-commissure laryngoscope and the child's size laryngoscope.

[FIG. 29.--The author's papilloma forceps. The broad blunt nose will

scalp off the growths without any injury to the normal basal tissues.

Voice-destroying and stenosing trauma are thus easily avoided.]

[FIG. 30.--The author's short mechanical spoon (30 cm. long).]

